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[Webdesigns] Goddess' Workshop


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since now i have free time and i've finally decided that i'll start up my personal webdesign workshop. I've dedicated most of my time in creating webdesigns,logos,and photoshop works.


What i'm going to offer you?

- I offer you a chance to get the webdesign you desired for,on the most cheap price you'll ever see.

- I offer you much bonuses + discounts on all my work,depend on the situation.


What is my work until now?

- Until now i've proved myself being a average level Photoshop Designer.

- I've created websites,logos,signatures and i've over 3 years experience in photoshop.


Do i have previews of my website designes?

- Yes i do,i'll post them below in the topic.


Am i serious,can i be trusted?

- You can ask this in the topic,the other members might recommend me,or might hate me,it depends on them. I guarantee safety work,and fair trades.



What i'm offering in my workshop?

- In the workshop you'll be able to buy these stuffs:


1. Webdesign.

- Requesting webdesign,you'll have to include information about the theme you desire,color desired,or specify if you want me to pick them.


2. Forum/Website Logos

- You can request one of these,but be specific on what you desire.


Pricing of my work:


1. Webdesign Packet  (€20.00 EUR) - Simple Webdesign,having 1 home page. You'll recieve it in .psd file,unless you've bough the Webdesign + Coding packet.

2. Webdesign + Coding Packet  (€30.00 EUR) - Simple Webdesign,having 1 home page. You'll recieve it in .psd file,unless you've bough the Webdesign + Coding packet.

3. Logo for Forum/Website Packet  (€15.00 EUR) - You recieve a logo,containing the .psd file aswell.


Bonuses you might get:


- If you bought 1 or more services,you'll get simple discount of 5% on the final price + free support for later use.

- If you bought more than one webdesign + coding (Price going over €40.00 EUR+) you're getting discount of 10% on the final price.


P.S.: I accept payment only trought paypal or paysafecards. Other way of payments aren't acceptable for my work.



Previews of my current work:


Header for Forum




Intro page for a gaming network



Webdesign for a L2Server



For paying methods contact me below!


Thanks for your time. If you have questions,make a post below. Please do not spam! My website is coming soon,until it,i'll use these forums.


Contact me trought PM here or on my facebook: www.facebook.com/anya.sundance Thank you!



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Good Luck and i will need your help soon ;) ;). Nice Job!!!!!!! As you know from Photoshop and generally from design, this is the best way to make your own company :) :).





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To whoever i'm needed,just click one of the buttons you desire and you'll get my help.


If you wnat to contact me either send me a forum PM here,or add me on facebook and send message.



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fvcking trusted seller.

Good luck!

She's made rampage's web template but project didn't go on.--->Just to confirm the rules.

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Thanks MD,oh yeah,do you keep it still? Or i am allowed to sell it to someone to use it? ^^

Feel free to do so ;D
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heh you told about unique designs and you webs contains black background (sometimes you put there any image from network). btw you're showing only jpg, not ready web site. Make a prove that you can make it ... It's funny to hate everyone who's competitor.

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That's don't change anything cause you don't know how to code it with texture. Report? I present my opinion same like you in mine topic.

For fuck's sake...She's selling..what's yer fvckin' problem?
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