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Server Updates 04.04.2011


- Added save function to Offline Shops

- Real Multibox Protection Engine

- Update HandyBlockerChecker event

- Fix for Attack After Cast

- Evolved wolf doesnt eat wolf food.

- Fort siege guards fix

- Caravan's Remedy can be used during oly

- Fixed Snow Fenrir stats

- Big performance fix (Arena and Fisherman managers)

- Do not take pet exp if player is in arena or duel

- Fixed problem with minions not attacking

- Fix for mobs walking during attack.

- Fix for hellbound level 11 check

- Fixed enchant transfer skill exploit

- Little update for quests drop rate

- Wedding rework

- Retail like critical damage calculation

- Fix for mountable transformations

- No more shield block without a shield

- Deleted Spellbooks from droplist

- Seal of Blockade enchant routes

- Update 2 fortress htmls

- Fixed Pagan Keys

- Retail Hp,Mp,Xp,Sp stats for Giants Cave and Mithril Mines Mobs

- Caravaner's Remedy can not be dropped/traded

- Fifth Anniversary Event (disabled atm)

- Cleanup & Fixes for few skills

- Fix for Duelist Spirit

- Shield defense power for Maximum Defense

- Dark Water Dragon AI rework

- Red talisman update

- Battlefield items update

- Added invincible visual effect to invincible skills

- Fixed Missing "Room of Splendor Key Skill"

- Dynasty Jewels + Resistance

- Missing Max Cp Bonus from Infinity Axe

- Removing monsters spawned inside Bayou Fortress

- Players can't sell baby pet in shop

- Missing magicLvl on pvp weapons/armors debuff

- Hero Berserk/Mystic Immunity add full resistance to any debuff

- Fix for Restore Life skill

  • 2 weeks later...

Updates 15.04.2011


- Great Snow Wolf Retail stats

- Added full support for Clan Airships

- Shadow Step can be evaded

- Added missing masterwork skill

- Removing the Flame effects of Dark Form

- Updated "RaidBoss: Gordon" droplist

- Added lot of fortress teleports

- Reworked Seal of Limit

- Skill with stun effect cannot be evaded

- Tribunal/Judgement skills cannot be evaded

- Schuttgart spawn fixes

- Scroll of Resurrection cannot be used while silenced

- Fixed summon other player in instance

- Fixed messed up spawns in WoA

- Changed Kamaloka instance to allow reenter if raid was not killed

- Cruma Tower -> "Premo" shouldnt Respawn On Attack

- Added missing html for clan management

- Fix for Purify and Raid Curse

- Surrender skills should remove resist buffs

- Walking Suspicious Merchants for Narsell Fortress

- Homunculus spawns correction

- Fixed Keltas respawn time

- New Frozen Labyrinth Mob AI

- Primeval Island Droplist reworked

- Added missing levels for skill Imbue Seed of Destruction

- Judicators Skills (Rework)

- Retail like AI for Eye of Kasha

- Added Landing zone in Seed of Destruction

- Updated Handyblockerchecker event

- Added missing Divine Transformation skills

- Fix for "Chest Keys disappear when you are out of range"

- Death Mark is a debuff

- Missin ssBoost in Fatal Counter skill

- Fixed Heat of the Desert debuff

- Spawnlist fixes for a lot of areas

- Fixed wrong runspeed for Great Wolf and Snow Wolf


Updates 17.04.2011

- Fixed Primeval Island Quest Rewards


The following Quests Recipe Rewards has been

changed from 60% to 100%:

- Illegitimate Child Of A Goddess

- Legacy Of Insolence

- Whisper Of Dreams 2

- Kails Magic Coin

- A Powerful Primeval Creature

- Giants Cave Research (Instance)


Updates 22.04.2011

- Fixed Quest How to Oppose Evil

- Fixed Quest Guardian of the Skies

- Fixed Quest Proof of Existence

- Fixed Quest Competition for the Bandit StrongHold

- Fixed Quest Steps for Honor

- Updated reuse Delay for Vanguard Skills

- Fixed wrong reuse of Gift of Vitality buffs

- Temp Fix for Raid Boss cancel spam

- Fix for not being able to use Newbie Guides

- Gracie Epilogue Stakato Nest drops

- Added missing html for adventure guildsman in schuttgart

- Added missing spawn in Schuttgart "Linda"

- Updated Stakato Nest spawnlist to Gracia Epilogue

- Queen Shyeed can now lvl soul crystal's up to stage 14

- Added Stakato Nest zone

- Fixed Gludio-Gracia ship boarding

- It should be not possible to lethal T-Rex

- Twin Shot should consume souls


Updates 23.04.2011 :

- Fully working Fall Damage.

- Should fix issues with mobs not aggroing properly

- New AI for Queen Ant

- Stakato Nest AI and Zone Buffs

- Fixed Seven Sign's Epic Quests

- Fixed Pet Speed goes half in random

- Fix for Guards not returning to spawn

- Effects update for Steal Divinity

- Rune & Schuttgart Artefact Spawns update

- should fix Rift respawn bug

- Small pet food rework

- On Retail monsters are not moving arround the target

- Implemented inventory block for epic quests

- CWH exploit fix


Updates 24.04.2011


Added the classic Giants Cave (Lv52+) as a Instance.

Npc : Sobling

Location : Giants Cave


For Low A Grade Recipes.



  • 2 weeks later...

Updates 04.05.2011

- Low A Grade is now buyable at Giran Luxury Hall

- Adjusted few recipe droprates


Welcome back Maxcheaters  ;D ;D


Updates 06.05.2011


Core :


- possibly fixes the Anakazel respawn issue

- Fix for castle magician checking wrong inventory limit

- Fix for adding item to offline char

- Added option to send system mail with items

- Fix for dimensional rift issues

- Formula change.This should balance res/vuln relation when calculating skilltype

- Hard March skill mp consumption should be based on player level

- Attempt to fix issue with Healing Potions

- Correcting front\rear angle.. 60 is too wide

- realtime saving for offline stores

- fix various problems with inventory check 80%

- network/serverpackets clean up

- Fix for Signets affecting monsters, and everyone but allies

- EXPERIMENTAL implementation of Debuff Time Reduction

- Some Formula fix for resist/vulnerability

- Fixes herb issue

- Reworked transformations

- Fix sleep effect not working

- Fix for wrong resist calculation on various formulas

- Added Support to show player list on Region Tab

- Fix to allow classmaster helpers

- This should prolly fix the Invul effect issue

- Fix for no mobs beeing able to move

- fixed quest html message

- Fixed formulas for PvP defence

- Fix for defenders being able to bomb fort ballistas

- Updated skill enchant cost formula

- Updated base enchant cost for mages

- attribute exploit fix


DP :


- Fixed Classic Giants Cave Instance Monster respawns

- Fixed Newbie Guide multisell

- Some fix for Chamber of Delusion

- "Path To Dark wizard" converted to java

- "Path To Shillien Oracle" converted to java

- Fixed Skill Emergent Ability - Defense

- Kamaloka mobs, skills and instances updated

- "Path To Assassin" converted to java

- "Path To Palus Knight" converted to java

- corrected "quest condition" for Hall Of Suffering

- Fixed teleporter "Schuttgart -> Mithril Mines"

- Fix for missing html in RequestOfIceMerchant

- Touch of Life should increase cancel res by 100%

- corrected stakato nest cocoon rewards

- "Path To Oracle" converted to java

- "Path To Elven wizard" converted to java

- "Cruma Event" converted to java

- Seeds update

- "Ketra Orc Support" converted to java

- Subclass Seperation Event

- "Outpost Captain" converted to Java

- Young Child transformation

- "Path To Elven Scout" converted to java

- Echo converted to java

- Added missing html for Novice Guide

- Winds of Change transalted to java

- Path To Rogue converted to java

- Traps should be removed when instance ends

- Fix for energy collection skill not working

- little fix for Attack Sailren Quest

- Changed additional effect activation for InstantJump Skills

- Secret Of Buried in the swamp translated into java

- Make a pair of dress shoes translated into java

- Updated all Territory quests

- A powerful primeval creature translated to java

- In search of clothes transalted to java

- All Kamaloka Bosses translated to java

- Fix for "Success or Failure of Business"

- Fixed issue in "Secret Mission" quest

- "Delicious Top Choice Meat" converted to java

- "Grave Robber Member Rescue" converted to java

- Fix for Lematan Followers having very high heal range

- Fix for Collecting In The Air quest

- Converted "Good Day To Fly" to java

- Updated Kamaloka stats of mobs to match retail

- fixes for cancel land rate

- Reworked JumbleTumbleDiamondFuss to java

- Small improvement for bottle of souls skill

- Reworked transformations

- Added Baylor skills

- Added last missing quest in Plains of Lizardmen

- Made Sonic Rage auto-attack skill

  • 1 month later...

Updates 11.06.2011

-All Grade shots & crystals are now buyable at Giran

- Fixed many Geodata related bugs (There are still few)

- Adjusted few monster stats

- Fixed many server->client animation issues

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