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Everything posted by NiOSe

  1. trustful member... secure and w/o waiting time during trades.
  2. Server does NOT worth playing for more than 10 mins (unless u're gms' schoolmate -yeah gms are low agers) U're gonna see lots of em pking inside giran by having GM next to them and laughing with ur death. They had some days ago S grade weapons' price 30 adenas and after some of them make some +18-20 weaps they made price 100kk and after some petitions they made it 35kk... w/e Anyway, I wouldn't propose this server to anyone. Edit: I forgot to say that server's community has average 12 ppl online , which 3 of em are GMs, and server's record is 30. (i don't think it will be raised more)
  3. Παιδιά έχετε ξεφύγει νομίζω λιγάκι...postάρετε τιμές για pixels σε servers που μπορεί να κλείσουν ΑΝΑ ΠΑΣΑ ΣΤΙΓΜΗ , λες και ο καθένας σπίτη του έχει από ένα νομισματοκοπείο και κόβει λεφτά αβέρτα ... Δεν νομίζω να πιστεύει ούτε ο ίδιος ο topic starter ότι θα πάρει έστω και ένα 15-20% αυτών των χρημάτων που ζητάει (και πολλά λέω, απλά είμαι αισιόδοξος). Όπως και να έχει θέλω να ευχηθώ καλή τύχη στην πώληση των items και καλά ξυπνητούρια ... Welcome to Greece, i hope u like economical crysis.
  4. + that online ppl are max 15 , and from them 3 are gms/admins.
  5. ur answer makes no sense at all... wtf were u willing to say?
  6. bump is allowed once per day..not every single hour. Beware...
  7. screw him...give one more +1 on enchants, and give us a photo :D (preferable before and after enchant)
  8. elven elder is an elder...what do ya mean? w00t http://www.lineage2.com/Knowledge/race_elf_skill.html?my_class=elf_elven_elder Recharger, buffer , assist char...call it however u want.
  9. Offtopic , αλλά 28κ rmps? Zomg...
  10. yeah right... Got bored of explaining it... Focus SA gives Critical CHANCE and NO Critical DAMAGE... It's a lil bit different!!
  11. That makes no sense... Go post @ GnarLita's topic about official items/chars which is created @ 30/03/2006 (last page of marketplace section) and ask her for the items... Official is still online too...
  12. C'mon we're talking about a topic that is 9-10 months old..FFS!!!
  13. up and edited bout the servers i need items.
  14. kr1n0s was faster than me...well , yeah even with no Dex dyes i have on HE 498 crt with crt.slow bow (max is 500)
  15. whenever u come online @ msn..pm me. I've alrdy added u
  16. Where's the strange part? Ripakios admitted with his post that he wasn't "fair" in his trade by : 1.) not having rdy installed client to trade 2.) getting disappeared for 3 weeks (for personal reasons) So he took the money and he got disappeared. Maybe gacha had personal issues too and he had to be offline for a long time too and now that he came back he reported it. Simple logic thoughts...
  17. As i said...i need items @ IL server, so i'm sry but no, I don't need items @ w00t. However thank you.
  18. well from pictures we can clearly see that u made a deal by not even having client ready to trade with him. It's his fault but u got disappeared for 3 weeks (as gacha said). Surely it's ur own responsibility to return his money back as soon as possible cause the mistake/error seems to be just URS.
  19. Hello, atm i wanna trade items and char in L2 Nuvel http://www.l2nuvel.com/ The items i got are: L2 Nuvel: - Apella light set +20 - Raid Boss set +20 - Tattoo fighter lvl3 - Halisha bow +20 (Passive shield lvl10) - Angelic wings head accessory - Arround 150 vote medals Many active augments on halisha bows +0 (rate is 8%): -Might lvl10 -D.Might lvl10 -Shield lvl10 -Magic barrier lvl10 -Bless the body lvl10 -Battle roar lvl10 -Cheer lvl10 -Guidance lvl10 -Evasion lvl10 -Reflect lvl3 -Vampiric Rage lvl10 -Empower lvl10 -Wild magic lvl10 Char (main dreadnought) has on GS sub +10 visious, +10 hex and +12 stun! I'm looking for items in other servers. Post ur offers in reply or pm...ty :)
  20. Ι think that u wanna say "naked"
  21. sry for off topic but: U cannot access his profile cause it's auth only for donators/VIP members. U can simple click on the "msg me" button under his name.
  22. -Vesper Noble heavy set +20 (Full attribute lvl4) -Valakas +20 -Antharas +20 -Vesper Earring +20 -Baium +3 -Beleth +3 -Tattoo GM Power Fighter -Some GBs and rest sh1t I don't rly need money but items on other server. If u're interested in, gimme a pm :)
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