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Everything posted by nazghoul

  1. ofC kamael chars are more like technical chars which gives another sense in L2 with traps/decoy/disarm a kamael on off can pown easily Don't compare them in an L2j server where they don't even work to the 50% on some servers
  2. Siga min edine tpt o ArteC mia xara tin VolepSe kai mamiSe kai fraga evgale =D o BnB eklise ton server Eleino trisAthliO potApO to VidEo xD
  3. First you must use and the [alt] button then attack to others in most servers on the latest Interlude rev and off doesn't work IN town ^^ but in outside places like a castle etc works ^^ (anywhere outside a town)
  4. vo8rokatharistikh o axortagos - H fwnikh Xestra (eteria katharizmatos XeStrWn ^^)
  5. Works fine nice share superhacker +1 karma from me ;)
  6. Maxcheaters.com Sxolika voithimata Frontistirio panelliniwn ... Prostheti didaktiki stiriksei Macheaters.com pay a visit >.>
  7. -1karma to darkaz Pou to ksethapses auto >.< topic locked
  8. TA mamimena ta PM TI UPARXOUN? dld kathOlou ma kathOlou xrisi autoU tou pragmatos p legete Egefalos? TOPIC LOCKED KAI MOLIS PERASI ALLI MIA WRA EXEIS -1 karma KSANA apo mena
  9. Ela ela gt to mamisate to topic.. -1karma se osous pigan entelos offtopic kai to mamisan to thema *locked*
  10. Topic locked deusexe got -1karma for digging old topics...
  11. nazghoul


    :O topIc lOCked ^^
  12. egw na deis ^^ bite ownage umf na pleKsoUme xD
  13. nazghoul

    Ti lete?

    Psilopramata more 6k eurw egw ta vriskw to prwi p Paw sChool siga milame gia psixoula ^^
  14. nazghoul

    Ti lete?

    umf kapitales mes sto forum ksout ksout ksout ^^
  15. Amoral {GR} dn Ennoousa se kamia periptosi esena ^^ kati alla *goux* *goux* min thiksw prosopa dn lew names pou epidi ginan kati mas priksan me ta sig etc etc kai dn Help stin teliKi. Eksalou to + apomena na gineis cs/wow mod to exeis ^^ etsi gt se paw :P {EG} i Didn't mean you but for other members that have a place and don't help or anything else :P
  16. {GR}: Emena to mono prama p tha m tin spasei einai p epidei kapoios tha ginei px Spamerguard stin prokimeni periptosi tha arxizei na ftiaxnei avatar na vazei sto msn tou na ftiaxnei signatures mxc SPAMERGUARD try me if you can kai teties bourdes pragmata p m tin dinoun eleina (borei na fanike ligo asxeto me to thema alla dn itan gt polu theloun na ginOun kati apla gia na lene oti einai xwris na theloun na voithisoun i tpt apla na lene eimai GoldMember etc etc etc) ^^ Episeis me to na exeis ta idia dikaiomata me enan gold pou peripou ta idia einai dn voithas to forum dn xriazete kiallous GOld Moderators kai global xriazete gia bans auto pistevw egw an kai san idea kali akougete alla ama tixon ginei auto tha deis pws tha ginei kai to allo p s eipa me to psoniO thing p tha arxiZoun na mas prizoun me avatars sigs kai dn simazevete ^^ {EG}Well i think that forum needs Moderators/global moderators for bans not more Goldmembers (in a few words ^^)
  17. I don't agree.. We are already enough... The karma and lock thing is same as a Gold/platinum can nothing special nothing that will help and NO the forum doesn't automatically ban people with -4 karma... Its just rumor...... Also My Dream is a World with out war :O what can i say dreams don't alwayz come true... I would like to say people calm down with the places to be a mod or something isn't anything special nether will make you better than the other users. why you are dieing for such kind of things? EDIT: hax0r you are talking about these? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=4135.45 i unlocked it as i didn't see any mod/gold that locked it probably a noobish platinun that is playing with the lock..
  18. Although you can double/triple post here for your forum updates etc so these can go in recent posts etc ^^
  19. heh i Understand you but its just that people would start just posting for a post etc etc and the whole topic would be messed up
  20. I told noble's to move it ^^
  21. topic locked tetio programa dn uparxei!! *Locked*
  22. magaki13 @GR: allakse to thema/xrwma einai eleino xD s ponan ta matia =D
  23. EleOth? pas sto kartelaki tis clan pas sto edit privileges kai exei diafora rank.. vazeis ti privs tha exei to kathe rank kai vazeis ton char mesa se auto to rank. Px sto rank 5 vazeis na exoun privs mono gia title kai vazeis to member se auto to rank
  24. katevazeis file edit anigeis to itemname-e.dat i npc analoga oti thes..
  25. Trick doesn't work as is reported from the biggest amount of users that replyed to these topic also to many spammers.. *Locked*
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