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Everything posted by ~BorealP

  1. I need to ass the same visual effect as Vampiric Rage buff, the problem is the Vampiric Rage ID: 1268 have not this info, so i dont know where is exactly this effect becouse in file you can see many of: skill.ol.XX skill.me.XX skill.XX.XX So... how can i take the correct config?
  2. Hello I have made a new skill for Interlude. Skill works fine but i can not make the visual cas and sound effect. When you cas it you only see your character making the cast movement but no sound or skill visual cast is present. I have added the Vampiric Rage line in skillsoundgrp.dat and changed the skill ID but nothing happen. Now i show you how i have it: skillgrp.dat 15000 1 1 0 -1 1 4.00000000 0 D icon.etc_scroll_white_i00 0 0 0 0 8 10 skillsoundgrp.dat 15000 1 SkillSound.might_cast SkillSound.regeneration_shot 250.00000000 40.00000000 250.00000000 40.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 chrsound.m_hfighter_black chrsound.f_hfighter_black chrsound.m_darkelf_black chrsound.f_darkelf_black chrsound.m_dwarf_type_b chrsound.f_dwarf_type_b chrsound.m_elf_black chrsound.f_elf_black chrsound.m_hmagician_black chrsound.f_hmagician_black chrsound.m_orc_fighter_type_b chrsound.f_orc_fighter_type_b chrsound.m_orc_magician_type_b chrsound.f_orc_magician_type_b chrsound.m_hfighter_notarget chrsound.f_hfighter_notarget chrsound.m_darkelf_notarget chrsound.f_darkelf_notarget chrsound.m_dwarf_notarget chrsound.f_dwarf_notarget chrsound.m_elf_notarget chrsound.f_elf_notarget chrsound.m_hmagician_notarget chrsound.f_hmagician_notarget chrsound.m_orc_fighter_notarget chrsound.f_orc_fighter_notarget chrsound.m_orc_magician_notarget chrsound.f_orc_magician_notarget 250.00000000 50.00000000 Please any help.
  3. How Many Thanks! Question: It works like a hair accesory? or i can only set a new hair id?
  4. Hello all Im looking for GoD hair styles for Interlude. Only Paypal payment.
  5. You should set all reuse_delay=0.4 for all magic skills. Make a test with one first and tell me if this helps to you.
  6. You cant sell everything becouse nemoprotect cant be binded to another domain.
  7. Extender yes, but nemoprotect no and i want only the nemoprotect.
  8. Im interested in NEmoprotect, but im afraid about how could you sell it if this is seted to domain or IP.
  9. I have totally solved. Finally i habe bought the authd from vagrancy and i habe installed my java proxy on some vps and all is working like a charm. Many thansk to all!
  10. How can i obtain this custom Authd?
  11. But if i do this i shoud even configure my authD and L2Server in order to can work with that and its exactly whats i dont know how to do :( Yes thats exactly what i want :)
  12. Hello Im creating a Java proxy in order to can install it on some VPS to can proxy the conection to my L2Server and less ping from users. My problem is that i don know how to configure the server in order to user can see all alternatives in the game login and can acces to server using selected proxy. Can someone bring me a hand? Best Regards
  13. Site does not use any kind of javascript or something like that. In fact you make the vote directly from hopzone site so you could not be banned :)
  14. Yes its, if you download the free version you check it in the core. All params are checked for invalid string or characters like ' " - etc before create any query to database. Any way any suggestion is good received if you note i could improve it :)
  15. You can vote with same account only after configured time. There is no proxy protection. Player could request vote and receive reward even if he does not place vote in the vote time but onother person do. System only check vote count before and after. The idea of system is you can increase your vote count, if user tell some body to vote while he take the vote request does not matter becouse you will increase your votes.
  16. Seems like l2jfresh is a so bad package. I have seen many errors of this package today.
  17. I dont understand nothing xd
  18. Chronicle?
  19. I have uploaded video demo :)
  20. Im developer for many years. I know many languages and i know all oriented object stuffs very well. I have years working in Java and PHP and i know C. I know C++ is not the same, but could follow guide very fast becouse i know how to program and i know OO. I could ensure that the best way to lear is making... but that could be easier if some one really know about that could guide a little more.
  21. May be, but i really doubt about some body has born knowing how to make extenders and if some body like me want to learn about that this is a good training and example.
  22. But i would like to learn how to make fix to my extender and this could be good teach. If some one could explain how to add the extender to the exe. Is posible to extend some actually extended? In order to can try fix or implements some things in advext64 for example?
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