Hellow,im want to sell server files ,+ source created by my friend and his team .
The price not will be very big ....for more infos pm me.
There are some cutsom modifications+good fixes.
Contact : skype : tomas.sadovsky
: or pm here :)
1) Flood Protections
2) Anti-PHX Enchant
3) Anti-PHX Announce
4) Anti-PHX Multisell Bugg
5) Anti PHX Critical Error
6) Anti-Walker
7) Balanced Olympiad
Disallow Same IP In Olympiad
9) Freeze Players In Subclass
10) Funny Flood Fix
11) Noobish Error Fix
12) Olympiad Fake Death Fix
13) Olympiad Pre-Frenzy Fix
14) Anti-Bot System
15) Trade Bugg Fix
16) LS Active Stuck in subclass Fixed
17) Disallow Dual Box
18) Backstab-Lethal Restriction
19) Force CP Bug Fix (infinity weapon - duals )
20) Chat Restriction (100 chracters per message)
21) Flagged Players cannot use Gatekeeper
22) Olympiad Deny same IP
23) Items Restriction (custom armors etc)
Customs - Modifications :
1) Hero status after 500 pvps
2) Anounnce PvP Kills
3) Announce PK Kills
4) Clan Leader Name Color Change
5) Nobless Color Name Change
6) Change Name Color ViA PVP Kills
7) Change Name Color ViA Pks
Banking System ( .deposit - .withdraw - , exchange for 500kk adena)
9) Trade Restriction (high level players cannot trade low level ones)
10) Disallow Potions In PVP
11) Disallow SoE in PVP
12) PVP Message : ("Good fight,enemy pwned:)")
13) PK Message : ("Nice kill!You are so dangerous!")
14) Custom Nobless Item
15) Custom Hero Item (hero until rr)
16) NPCs non Hitable
17) ChatFilter
18) Away System
19) Announce Castle Lords Login
20) Announce RB Spawn/Death
21) Announce Hero Login
22) Show Online Players On login
23) Wedding System
24) TvT Event
25) CtF Event
26) GvE Faction System
27) Custom Starting Title
28) Custom Starting Level
29) Run Speed Modifier
30) Custom Char Spawn
31) .online command
32) .res command
33) .cl command (teleports a clan member to the clan leader)
34) .tvtjoin - .tvtleave - .tvtinfo
35) .pmoff command
36) .tradeoff command