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Everything posted by inkubus

  1. ston pio axristo server pou epaiksa pote... aytoi kanan create enan server na vgaloun ta apothimena tous. to pio trantaxto... killaran 2 baium sto kapaki kai fysika den exoun kanei oute to Quest gia na mpoun mesa. opios nomizei oti lew vlakeies, paei sto monument of hero's, klikarei ena name apo tous hero kai pataei katw deksia to view record kai tha klapsei sta gelia, kai freya killaran kai esti opos to pane se 2-3 meres antharas kai epete valakas. ante geia :P
  2. this year yr server gone have more than 50.000 ppl online
  3. vre vre kalws ta paidia........apofasisate na ksananoiksete server ?? tha mazepsete tpt? an einai na ferw tin omadoula mou...
  4. re filos giati koroideveis ? afou 4k egrafe to konter ksi merikes fores pernage kai ta 5k kosmo. ps: mazi me ta mobs
  5. an thymamai kala , kathe deytera ekane rr o server stis 7 h stis 8 to proi , logo douleias etyxe na mpw 2-3 fores tin ora pou sikonotan o server kai mesa se 15min , o server eixe 1500+ online, xao0axo0oaaxo opos to les akrivws, fake server me fake arithmous. ps: kalhspera Kωστα.
  6. edw tha ta poume mia xaroula, xoris ban acc sto forum, oute delete post's ayto to "Zero lag from any place in the world" ta spaei, to skeftikes poly re epistimona Haineken? kai pame stin ousia, dld stin koroidia ...... 5 Client limit per PC me to Antibot system pws synvadizoun? pali ta idia tha kaneis*-kanete* ban epilektika , ban stous low lvl sto cruma kai ta kolitaria tha botaroun asystola sto HB. *to gm-acc Heisenberg to eixan toulaxiston 3 atoma, metaksy aytwn kai o filos mou o Kwstakhs.
  7. I FOUND FOR U ...GOOD 1 SERVER High 5 , x1 free boting move yr a.... george
  8. http://www.l2botolympics.com/forum/ High 5 x1 FREE BOT
  9. http://www.l2fair.com/indexfb09.html?site=Home New low rate server, Epilogue x3
  10. we will... any test server atm ? thnks :)
  11. yeap u r right, but.....why i used offensive language against Dev Team ? maybe i say maybe....cause u jail my chars without reason ? cause i kill many times yr donator Kami and he start crying and crying !!! i use to play at yr server keeping and respecting yr server rules. but u dont respect ppl who they join at yr server, only u do was to afraid donator players like Kami, lets see who needs to learn and read.... if u see at foto's i say to him "thnks" and he ansewer to me , http://imageshack.us/f/443/shot00019w.png/ after all this u'll be sure , many many ppl gona join at yr f.......server try to ban my acc , here, like u done at yr f.......server ps:kazu= blade dancer of Kami
  12. this server is clossed if u want u can join to this1 http://l2victory.com/
  13. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/443/shot00019w.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/shot00020lh.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/31/shot00021ky.png/ inkubus baned, cause... kill 10 times player Kami and cause player Kami is donate 50e for ddos protection this is VERY NICE SERVER, sure
  14. y, the famus1 TALIBANEZOS i'll join to yr server, to hit my DA full S grade+4 full buffs d/s resist, with yr char , for 7-8k damage sipmle hits lol
  15. i'll not forget to play at this server :P be sure fearako mpine
  16. http://l2apotheosis.com/ i start today, H5 x4 it looks like official, no custom items, no mana pots, etc... i think its a little difficult, lets see
  17. when did u online and if there is any link for test server thnks :)
  18. oti nanai, se kaloutsiko server paizate kai to paratisate...l2party ti psaxnete tora? gwnia se dekariko ? asdf, noobs
  19. inkubus


    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I suggest this server: http://www.l2styx.com/index.html Open in 14/06/12 at 21:00 GMT+2
  20. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I suggest this server: http://www.l2styx.com/index.html Open in 14/06/12 at 21:00 GMT+2
  21. an other1 fail server, go check their forum lithouanian language.... u advertising yr server here , but i think ..... u do not want ppl from other countries
  22. try this1, it is open at friday http://lineage2olympus.enjin.com
  23. beta will start in few days???? is it open ? we w8
  24. thnks arxigopoulo :)
  25. kala den varethikate na sikonete pvp server gia 5-6 meres ante max 1 mina??? !!!!!!!!!!!!! kai i protash....... enan server x1 eos to poly x5. interlude h gracia final, mias kai kata tin gnomh mou, itan oi kalyteres ekdoseis. me main+ 1 h 2 suport(dualbox). me donate kapelakia, vitality kai alla tetia p na min epireazoun tin roh kai to balance tou paixnidiou, oste o owner na vgazei toulaxiston ta eksoda tou me bot, alla oxi afk bot. eyxaristw :) ps: as kanei kapios metafrash sta agglika, mias kai egw eimai skrapas apo egglezika
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