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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Thats why you dont dealt with Greeks,i support Karasu cuz i know how retarded is this Realtek/Juliet.
  2. Πόσο ήρθε ο αγώνας σήμερα?
  3. You wouldnt have sell it on that price anyway,especially here. lol
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/174800-premium-skype-codes/
  5. Next 3 customers will buy a skin of their choose for 20 euros! (EUW/EUNE/NA/OCE) Available skins for this discount: Pax Jax Pax Sivir Riot Nasus

    1. Matthew


      1 skin sold already on my fb page!


  6. [8:02:20 PM] CertonC: Hi ` Manos, I'd like to add you as a contact. CertonC [8:02:26 PM] *** ` Manos has shared contact details with CertonC. *** [8:02:40 PM] CertonC: jo [8:02:41 PM] CertonC: hi [8:02:43 PM] ` Manos: hi [8:02:49 PM] CertonC: do you still trade from psc to paypal [8:02:52 PM] ` Manos: yea [8:02:57 PM] CertonC: k [8:03:20 PM] CertonC: 0522 8755 8066 4493 to xInvaDe_7@hotmail.com [8:04:16 PM] ` Manos: how much [8:04:21 PM] CertonC: 10e [8:05:31 PM] CertonC: keep me updated when its done [8:06:22 PM] ` Manos: where did you found me [8:06:32 PM] CertonC: thats not the case [8:06:36 PM] CertonC: maxcheaters anyway [8:10:07 PM] CertonC: is it gonna be done right now? [8:10:21 PM] CertonC: because I'm getting really tired of waiting.. [8:10:42 PM] ` Manos: yea? I pm'd ED about that and he removed my negative,but that trash gave me negative again,which means he doesnt respect Staff's decision or what? Also clear my topic from his careless spam. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/172538-paysafe-to-paypal-services/page-2 You are right.
  7. Somebody ban that trash already,talk with ED and remove my negative rating but he gave me negative again. thanks `xFrost his profile
  8. holy fk this kid, moderators pls.
  9. I have arcade hecarim and riot blitzrank for EUNE. hit me up with a pm!
  10. Its my exchangers skype,his paypal email is near his PIN ( black line on his post) and I do take responsibility for him aswell,i fully trust him. My exchanger was busy and this kid wanted his money fast,he didnt even ask him if he can do it now or something. Anyway he got his money but is still crying for no reason,thats my negative rating caused.
  11. My skype name is Mathew8076 ,you never talk to me but my exchanger. You are just an bot acc that call me scammer without proofs. As i said i gave enough fk for you already. I have made more than 500 trades and you are the first whos crying for no reason. Dont come back again,noone wants a costumer like you. end of disccusion.
  12. Chat prooves anything,you are just a random that cant understand a shit. Feel free to gtfo of my topic,seriously enough fk i gave already.
  13. Seems im talking to a kid END OF DISCCUSION HERE.
  14. -1 Today, 08:29 AM a filthy scammer - not much to write there are more proofs in the topic Trader: `xFrost Request negative removal.
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