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Everything posted by bruceblbstajn

  1. one for emo moments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcMmRL6_r24
  2. best css vid ever
  3. who knows mxc, don't need to be like "omg only 70k?" ... I think moderators have a lot of different jobs to do.
  4. best dj mix ever
  5. Hello, so, i downloaded two different versions of css, and neither of one i wasnt able to run it. I have steam, on steam i have some games including counter strike, but i turn it off, and additionally i log out. Then i install these two versions (first one version, second the other version) and it says that i cant join coz i dont have some patches. So, can someone help / direct me to link, where i can download and read HOW-TO? THANKS.
  6. also check this one
  7. best muay thai fighter
  8. to all fuckin' ex-girlfriends
  9. freya - no dyes interlude - -5str +5con
  10. Omg. Nevermind, i just want some command in chat to type it, like i write in chat %^, click enter and it kick me out of game..
  11. idk the gateway, gonna to try. thx :)
  12. Now i'm waiting on www.l2hydra.com and on www.pvpgaming.net ... i'm going to try l2sublimity.com coz all server i tried till now sucks as hell, or closed. like l2rebound (closed) like l2vendetta (ppl leaved, ~ 100 online) like l2revenge (sucks at all) like l2exile (very nice, but a lot of customs and max 400 online) like l2ice (shutted down) like arenaofwars (i dont know what happen here) like l2mafia (simply SUCKS AS HELL) like l2kings (their entire community, webpage and all sucks) like l2inversion (freya < sucks) like all other servers that use freya with bugs.. like //EDIT: OK, l2sublimity - op donation, online max 200 ----------- servers lineage2.ro and rpg-club are maybe good too, for me only rpgclub coz it has more online than l2dex (.ro). ----------- servers that could be good are l2hydra and pvpgaming (old pvpx).
  13. guide nice and post from pwnnnz0r is good too, but i already do this. So we share tactic :D) gl hf
  14. Well. I Use draconic set on abyss walker (i dont play any other dagger class) coz with song of water and evasion + powind (on highrates ofc.) its good vs archers with bad acc (like without dance of inspiration or guidance). I dont use song of hunter and focus, so i have free buff slots. Archers i play only for pk fun or pvp hunt. Mostly i've used majestic, becouse of stun ressist. :)
  15. i have to agree. thx a lot!
  16. dont work for me (steam gaming)
  17. check this out, too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo0Cazxj_yc
  18. epic guide.. but i love other weapons too :) like shotguns :)
  19. or you can buy second PC or notebook and also buy two steam accounts :))
  20. epic! i would give you karma if i can )
  21. Best website, information and everything.. i wish to you success man :)
  22. looks perfect.
  23. omg, c4 in these days? YOU ARE GOD!!!! waiting on you.
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