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About kadabra

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  1. I find geodata for olympiad stadiums!
  2. I seek to adapt this interface module to my system only. If someone has it, send me PM.
  3. Like title said
  4. Olympiad Stadium Geodata for High Five server - Send PM whit price. Payment: Paypal
  5. I am looking for a dress system for h5. Something similar to L2Devil, or what they have to offer me. I listen to proposals. Thansk!
  6. I find event engine - TvT - CTF - LM -DM and the rest... for l2classic kamael version.
  7. sguard, it is a garbage. The only thing that interests these people is an annual subscription of 200 usd that they offer you for servers ... but this protection is a total garbage 100%. It doesn't stop the adrenaline of course and now it doesn't stop the spoffer. It just doesn't work, if you want to stop the spoofing, pay 200 usd per month or die!
  8. hahahaha scripts have lot of backdoors... Buy pack open server and GG
  9. High Five
  10. I am looking for a person - group. That I can create an interface for my server, I require a few client-level mods. Mods- Screen damage like classic. cast bar HP overlay The character creation menu has been completely redone. Fully redone radar window. Maps of cities are displayed.
  11. ok, And what solution does it offer?
  12. and not recomended. Fandc or l2ava source are 100 % better. And free....
  13. I send Skype invitation.... ago 10 days more than 1 invite and nathing....
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