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Everything posted by maximilion2

  1. server is closed request for lock..
  2. L2 Medelin is a brand new L2J server that simulates a game environment similar to the game Lineage II. Our server was prepared carefully, based on several years of research and experience with Lineage II, in order to provide an incredible experience that you will never have on any other server. same description like l2prime lol i give this server 2 weeks max!
  3. when server opened it had 160 players.... now it has 5 lol
  4. stop confusing that member -.- nosti just do/use anything you want you can take clean l2j and modify/update/add by your own ;)
  5. i told you ExternalHostname= InternalHostname= problem must be here wrong ips...
  6. no no its ok i can help everyone there is always time :happyforever: l2herbal: 7777,2106,9014 ports open ExternalHostname=WAN IP InternalHostname=LAN IP BTW homemade or dedicated? if it's homemade tell us what router he uses...
  7. i didn't speak about java -.- Tryskell, Elfocrash, Boorinio, You, Me we all know java but if you want to have your own server you must know everything, ready thousand of guides+topics bla bla bla
  8. you don't know how to get a server up and you want have your own server?? ohmygad why??? just why???? :(
  9. Server closed! The reason is simple, our hoster (the guy had the server host) stole our pack and shut down the server!In a few words, hope he gets cancer! LOL
  10. i wanted to join damn :(
  11. Rev is 989 L2jFrozen Also Source is simple source 989 no adds of pack in Also system half files missing Also Compiled Pack has buggs and Npcs missing from Sql Cool....
  12. no like? no join noob go develop something better kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  13. nop you used to be the best now that acis no commit for 2 months it is named as dead so a new c6 project will arrive and take your place xd
  14. who sayed it closed? it's online since 2007 :P
  15. Yes you guys stop spam about megan fox me future girlfriend when i will sell me work for billions i will marry her :D now let us work for next rev we need make pack better,cleaner and stronger!
  16. exactly i was gonna say the same thing.. simple jar is for noobs pros make only special jars.. nooooo i don't have time now to develop more projects but i can have a look at this so everything will be ok and everyone will do great job ;)
  17. no i work for google ,microsoft and also for some well known servers i update their codes,i put new etc.. yes i can it's a secret config with code in it and i have the key from me pc to activate it: I press the key in me pc and after a while your file gets deleted once and for all..
  18. come on Sweets i bring action everywhere without me forums dead no action!!! of course i develop when i have free time for greatest servers!!!
  19. of course i find free time cause all want me help oks next rec comming soon ;)
  20. Changeset 302 since 1 month no more revs? ;o
  21. poly swsto afto p les.. xaxaxa kai emena m lypei to lineage me olh th shmasia ths leksews anevazontas chronicle toso katevazoun to nohma tou lineage.. xD
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