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Everything posted by zetsuei2
Totaly agree ; My CP will be off in some days.
Request Change Interlude Font For Ct1+ Font.
zetsuei2 replied to zetsuei2's topic in [Request] Client Dev Help
Well, better than a screenshot, here what's i'm talking about: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/132197-re-sharekamael-skin-for-interlude/ I don't mind the old menus and stuff, but the interface textures is ugly... But now The font make me want to burn my own eyes. EDIT: Here is what I want to change: I would like to have the same "font" on the right. Left is my Interlude client ; Right is h5. You can clearly see that interlude is just ugly. -
Hello everyone. As I'm going to play from official grand crusade to interlude.. Damn this client is ugly as fuck. I was able to change everything to look like CT1 ; The textures i mean, my client is really looking good... Excepting the font. Interlude font is ugly... Do you know any ways to have a clean one ? Did search alot again, can't find anything at all this time !
Hello everyone ; I am in need of a hellbound+ ( even lineage 2 classic if you have it ) interface for interlude. I did alot of research in the forum ; Either the link are dead or don't fit my demand. I want the interface to have at least the texture of the recent one. It don't need to have alot of thing but just.. being good looking. I really did search for one hour and read at least 20 pages on the client developement section. Please help me. EDIT: FOUND IT. search "kamael skin for interlude" on forum. Requesting lock.
LF Pvp Server No Matter What Client
zetsuei2 replied to `Sanctus's topic in [Request] Private Servers
http://www.l2skirmish.com -
LF Freepvp / Infinitel2 Server Like
zetsuei2 replied to zetsuei2's topic in [Request] Private Servers
Thanks. Actually playing on http://www.l2skirmish.com/ since interlude-online is full russian. :) -
Hi guys, I'm looking for a FULL pvp server like was FreePvP and Infinite L2 *tears* in the good old time... Any clue ? I'm fine about every chronicle but I'll be kind of bored to play Interlude due to the lake of gameplay and skill required. Just starting Lineage 2 again and I can't play 18/24 anymore like I was used to do on official or low rates server. Thanks in advance.
Hello, i sell an ACC plat 5 with a rly nice mmr ( 1884 LKS ) season 2 gold. All champion exept Aatrox , Draven , Fiora , Hecarim , Nami , Quinn , Thresh , Zac , Zed. 17 runes pages near all runes 83 Skins ! With 6 Collectors ! Ahri : own 3 skins Akali : Stinger akali , crimson akali , nurse akali et ALL STARS AKALI (collector) Alistar : Matador alistar , Infernal alistar Anivia : hextech anivia Annie : Goth , Frostfire, frankentibber(collector) Ashe : Freljord Brand : Cryocore Caitlyn : Officer Cassiopeia : Siren Corki : Urfrider Ezreal : Tpa Ezreal Galio : hextech Gangplank: Toysoldier Gragas: Gentleman Heimerdinger: Blast zone heimerdinger, Snowmerdinger (COLLECTOR) Irelia: Aviator Janna : Tempest, Frost queen, Victorious Karma : Sun godess Karthus: Grim reaper Kassadin: Pre void Kayle: Judgement Kennen: Artict ops Kog'maw: Lion Dance Leblanc: Mistletoe Lee sin : Acolyte , muay thai , dragon fist Leona: Valkyrie Maokai : Festive Morgana : blade mistress Nasus : Riot K-9 Nidalee: French Maid, Bewitching ( COLLECTOR) Nocturne: Frozen terror , haunting (Collector) Olaf: Brolaf Orianna: Gothic , Bladecraft Riven : Crimson Elite Ryze : Dark crystal Shaco : Asylim Shyvana : Darkflame + Ironscale Sivir : Bandit + Pax(COLLECTOR) Skarner: Earthrune Sona : Muse + Pentakill + Guqin + Arcade Soraka : Divine Syndra : Justicar Talon : Crimson Elite + Dragonblade Taric : Bloodstone Teemo : Panda Tristana : Firefighter Tryndamere : Viking + DemonBlade Twisted Fate : Jack of hearts + High noon Udyr : Primal Vayne : Aristocrat + Heartseeker Veigar : White mage Viktor : Fullmachine + Prototype warwick: Firefang Wukong: Jade Dragon Xerath : Runeborn + Battlecast Zilean: Groovy I sell it with ebay ( easier for me.. ) : http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=221247913740&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_1450wt_1398 http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/26/1372601670-sans-titre-4.jpg[/img] GL HF On LoL ! pm me if you wan some infos about this account ! :)
bump + 20 hours left o/
Hello, i sell an ACC diamond 1 + challenger 5x5, Diamond at season 2. All champion exept Nami and fiora, 14 runes pages 63 Skins : Ahri => Midnight Ahri Akali => Crimson Akali Amumu => Sad Robot amumu Annie => Reverse Annie Ashe => Queen Ashe + Amethyst Ashe Caitlyn => Safari Caitlyn + Officer Caitlyn Cassiopeia => Desperada Cassiopeia Cho'Gath => Jurassic Cho'Gath Corki => Hot Rod Corki + Urfrider corki Evelynn => Tango Evelynn Ezreal => Frosted Ezreal + PULSEFIRE EZREAL Fiddlestick => Surprise Party Fiddlestick Gangplank => Spooky gangplank Gragas => Hillbilly Gragas Irelia => Nightblade Irelia + FrostBlade Irelia Janna => Victorious janna Jarvan IV => Dragon Slayer Jarvan IV + Victorious Jarvan IV Jax => Vandal Jax Katarina => Bilgewater Katarina Kayle => Judgment Kayle Kog'Maw => Monarch Kog'Maw Lee sin => Traditional Lee Sin Lux => Spellthief Lux + Steel Legion Lux Malzahar => Overlord Malzahar Maokai => Haunted Maokai Master Yi => Chosen Master Yi Nasus => Riot K-9 Nasus Nidalee => French Maid Nidalee Nocturne => Frozen Terror Nocturne + Haunting Nocturne Nunu => Demolisher Nunu Olaf => BROLAF Orianna => Gothic Orianna Pantheon => Glaive Warrior Pantheon Riven => Battle Bunny riven Ryze => TRIUMPHANT Ryze Shaco => Royal Shaco + Workshop Shaco + Asylum Shaco Shen => Warlord Shen Shyvana => Darkflame Shyvana Soraka => Divine Soraka Talon => Crimson Elite Talon Teemo => Super Teemo Tristana => Buccaneer Tristana Trundle => Lil' Slugger Trundle Twisted Fate => The Magnificent Twisted Fate Twitch => Vandal Twitch Udyr => Primal Udyr Vayne => Vindicator vayne Veigar => White Mage veigar Vladimir => Vandal Vladimir Volibear => Thunder Lord + Northern Storm Volibear Warwick => Tundra Hunter Warwick Xin Zhao => Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao I sell it with ebay ( easier for me.. ) : http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=221229528459#ht_946wt_1265 http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/21/1369091589-league-of-legends-2.png[/img] GL HF On LoL ! pm me if you wan some infos about this account ! :)
Hi everyone, I'm looking for a REAL developer. He must know how to use the L2P sources ( i work with it. ) I would make a high rate pvp server. Why ? Because i'm really bored of all anothers servers, some skills doesn't work as they should. Balance doesn't exist as they pretend it. I have a dedicated server for 6 months ( more if the server run well), this is a serious project ! You can contact me with mp or e-mail : damien13om@gmail.com Thanks for reading. :)
http://l2-lastluck.com Have fun.
Try http://l2-lastluck.com :)
Server Rates : * Rates: x1000 XP x1000 SP x1000 ADENA * Normal scrolls Enchant Rate: 33% * Blessed Scrolls Enchant Rate: 33% * Crystal Scrolls Enchant Rate: 66% * Safe enchant +3 * Max enchant +10 * Element Rate: 50% * Crystal Rate: 50% Informations : * Main Town - Parnassus * XP Zone - Hall of abyss ( also starting newbies zone ) * Complete GM Shop (all items you need and many more) * Complete Buffer System (char & pet with scheme) * 38 buff slots (26 normal and 12 dance & songs) * Global GateKeeper (all zones + level & farming areas ) * Free Noblesse * High Five Hero Class & Olympiad (retail engine) * One Large farming areas * Improved system for PvP Combat * Subclass system : 3 subclasses available * Subclass max level : 84 * Offline store even after server restart (direct login) *Reward PVP ( you can buy items like cloak, upgrade jewel boss, stuff pvp, etc. ) *Reward PK *BALANCE CLASS OG / PVP ! *Cancelation have a land rate ! *ISN'T L2J SERVER OR L2OFF SERVER ! *High five 90% *Full Geodata with pathfinder Join us for great pvp ! http://l2-lastluck.com
Hello all, i wan help with my problem, today I have install CTF from L2J forum http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=73&t=22515 I have last rev L2J... hard to make it work.. And i have a little problem.. all npc don't show second html, or teleport.. My buffer work with .py But gatekeeper don't show " Kingdoms " and don't teleport to "Farm Zone" or other.. LF help please.. Regards.
I wan to sell this char : Feoh Wizard Dark Elf 86, full R grade with 35,000,000 adena Shillen, great name. 55€ ISS buffers 86, full R grade +3 with dual 150 earth SA Haste. 55€ One buy One Free, i wan premium Tower ^.^ I use Paypal, of course. PM For more.
Quote from: Intrepid on: April 02, 2009, 11:04:19 PM
[Share] Special Olympiad Manager
zetsuei2 replied to Epimetheus's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
And title of windows : gm shop -
[SHARE] Reward for Lord's Castle
zetsuei2 replied to zetsuei2's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
When a clan obtain a castle, the leader use the Chamberlain to have a reward -
[Request] Automized Vip/CTF/DM/Raid Events !
zetsuei2 replied to *~!ĈħâðيȘ۸μấيŧۼŔ™'s question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Flood spotted ?