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Everything posted by josecarlosfl18

  1. When this list will be updated to shoy BETA High Five Project of Lineage??? I want to test them some servers with my brand new client... Because post like that, people get decent info about L2 Servers Stuff... Keep sharing ^_^! and keep it alive!!!
  2. where are spammer's hunter's???
  3. you can block max atk speed and cast speed into config files on the server so... no need to worry about about how many's stack can be made...
  4. Also you may need to read that post, cause that's was posted... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=185874.0 Here will show you how to argument and item... With a little programing understanding you will know now to modify one too...
  5. On Loginserver, you need to modify LoginserverHostname and LoginHostname = for a locally gameplay... That come cause you have defined LoginHost = into your gameserver properties and he will look a LG into that direcction... And GameserverHostname must be too in GS config... All that explain will work if you are playing in a offline mode, like locally, but if you want to play over the internet you need to modify those values from your IP on internet, you have Dinamic IP? try no-ip... Also in your XML config must be edited <define subnet="" address="" /> if you want to play locally... One more if you want to play internet that value must be edited as well... Good luck...
  6. Hi... Try to export data from tables that are contant modifying, example character, item argument, etc... them modify the sql files if they have more tables into destiny DB and edit then manually, then execute sql file into the new DB... Other tables have only read data usesfull, that's table are NPC, armors, weapons an so many others...... That tables you dont need to export cause the new DB will have it like before... By other hand edit-manually do will only work if you dont have so many custom stuff into you db, in this case you need some more deep inside editing... Good luck...
  7. I never think a will see something like that in a L2 Server O.O Just amazing... Incredible Share, Dude you're the best... Keep sharing, and links are still online
  8. Dude its just... its just... AMAZING!!!! I cant Belive That A Tool Like That ExistS!!!!! OMFG T_T BiG TNHKS... Really big Thanks you... You deserve to LIVE!!! And the most important...................... Its WORKS!!!!!
  9. -.-! use search dude... Chech this post... Old but addaptable... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28059.0
  10. Create your own .properties files info gameserver/config folder, like Event and the rest of stuff do... "fun_engines.properties" Then create a var AllowPotionUseonEvent or something like that... Store his content (True/False), Load his content on Java files LMS and make a restriction (function)... Check how restriction on TvT are used with potions and copy/learning them... Good luck...
  11. 1 of 2... Or Both! 1- Your NPC/Custom Table got wrong Data from those NPC 2- Your server cannot find data from that defined NPC on gameserver/data folder... Any stuff Ask ^_^! Good luck...
  12. Armors and even jewels can be argumented... but... armor wont get argument stats, just tittle "argumented" one side of his name :S... i'd try myself... I dont know if on GF or Freya get somes status with an argumentation, but i think that on game argumentation on armors and jewels cannot be done... Only editing MySQL... Good Luck...
  13. Hi... You need to find option "AutoLoot=True" into your gameserver/config folder altsettings.properties... Here you can disable that feature of autopickup items... Change value to false will allow drop fall on ground and after fickup manually... Also there is another config "AutoLootAdena=True" that you maybe need to try... Any other stuff just ask ^_^! Good luck...
  14. For L2jServer, L2jFree, L2Archid and many many others, Java mod it's not necesary for Class Manager... Just find the altsettings.properties and active it... Just follow that simple guidethrow... Simple, Good Luck...
  15. He say: I will try on my server, Thanks, "gracias" in english means Thanks not "Gracia"... By other hands, This script will should work in any chronicles causes it's not a Java code, its a web code and should work on any MySQL DB... Tables with are reffer into the code are the sames throw chronicles... Great share, and handy... Thanks, Gracias ^_^!
  16. Nice one, good one, and the best GMSOP for Freya till now... Dude this it's incredible... Big tnks... And keep sharing... ^_^!
  17. AND YOU KNOW WHAAATTTTTT Im one of those who speak spanish and was to lean speak english TOOOO.... jajaja That post wass relaxing A LOT.... and a lot of sarcasm too... I think i like it... offtopic: how can i give karma? o take karma, or send money? or wathever of those STUFF!!!! that post desert that... ^.^!
  18. Also it's hard to belive that are people in this world that dont even know rol games and even less MMORPG... That guide it's for that dude that it's his/her first time ^.^! jajaja...
  19. Ohhhh yeahh... Finaly i know how to do a skill certification... There a lots of guide's over the internet but, i keep with this one it's better than other i see... Great share and BiG thanks for this guide... Keep it bro... ^.^!
  20. That new proyect of L2 has a new future, a great one... And Just imagine make a server, if make one actualy it's PFFFFF imagine one like that, the new generation of MMORPG ^.^!
  21. I like one more thing that in guide doesn't mention it... Totem Puma with you gain more atk speed... Sometimes it's better hit more times and get more oportunity of get a critical nad soo on... I'd prefer Puma totem, for run ovious Rabit... Life Ogre and critical? Eagle!!!!
  22. A lot of those script are so HandY!!! Thnks for this great share bro.. I hope doesn't die and get sticky... Keep sharing and updating ^.^!
  23. What king of script??? HTML? PHP? jscript? be more specific...
  24. Youre make a target folder wrong... Actually you are saing that your target folder are "xxxxxxxxx\gameserver\data\scripts\quests\custom\8500_LevelDown\__init__.py" and thats wrong... Its should be "xxxxxxxxx\gameserver\data\scripts\quests8500_LevelDown\__init__.py" or xxxxxxxxx\gameserver\data\scripts\custom\8500_LevelDown\__init__.py" Cannot be both, edit scripts file with right target and that all... Good luck
  25. get contact to admin of those dedicaded server and make a request... If it a pay service you need to give probe of for what you need those port opens (if they are closed for one reason) and what use will have... simple and easy... comunication... Good luck
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