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Everything posted by josecarlosfl18
josecarlosfl18 replied to bestini16's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
If you want to make a L2 server, dont use prepack like that... Get you own source and compile them... In othes hands, if the autor dont make his own fix, a dont think another can do it... -
Connections Issue
josecarlosfl18 replied to Marlin's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
What core are you using??? I know that GF, EP and Freya has some little trick on ip configs... -
[Help] How to start a server on Linux CentOS?
josecarlosfl18 replied to ScaredAngell's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
use the "./sh GameServer_loop.sh" or "./sh LoginServer_loop.sh" command with the files who comes into core of the server... Also you can do the "java -Xmn128m -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -server com.l2jfree.gameserver.GameServer" command into servergame folder... That command comes inside _sh files and .bat files... -
Error launching GS.
josecarlosfl18 replied to booosas's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Looks like the process dont have enough privilege to make a folder on destination target, thats why cannot move (mv) the file and change his name... make a comand "chmod -R 777" into the whole server folder should fix that, that give read, write and exec permition for every user on that folder... maybe it's same probles as before... check folder permition... PD: sorry 4 english XD... -
[Help]IL Buffer Problem
josecarlosfl18 replied to enco's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Aren't you try another NPC Buffer??? There a lot of them... Maybe the one you are using are damage or not working for chronicle you're using... -
josecarlosfl18 replied to PonyR1der's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
There you have a list all protection you can search around... That doesn't means there are all of them... just a start... # Flood Protection For all Chat! # L2Walker Protection # L2phx Critical Error Exploit # Java Force Bug # Java CP Exploit # Simple Buff Restriction # Olympiad Protection # Prevent Items from being Worn # Offline Trade , Craft # Banking System Exploit # Pre frenzy and other shits # NPCs Can't Be Hit in Towns # Enchant Bug | # Increase Your MultiSell Security # Olympiad Balanced Regen # Clan Skills in Olympiad Fixed # Java Anti-Phx Announce # Java Anti-Phx Enchant # Prefrenzy(and others) exploit fix # Oly fake death exploit fix # L2Walker Command Restriction # Forbidd Hitting NPC's in Towns # Forbidd Flagged Players to use GK # Pet Enchant Exploit # Flood Protections # Server Bypass Flood Protected # MultiSell Bug # No Cursed Weapons at TvT Events # A Flood Protection # Over Enchant Trade Bug Fix # OverEnchant Fix # Olympiad, Deny Same Ip # Alternative damage for dagger skills # Trade bug fix # Sub-Class Weapon Passive Ability Stacking # How To Fix SubClass Exploits # Avoid the Exploit With Destroyable Items # Multisell & SubClass Delay # Anti -L2j Killer # Anti -L2 Net Good luck... -
problem with navicat
josecarlosfl18 replied to kagkouras's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
problem solved... (i guess) admins can lock... -
[SHARE] Freya 3 Hours Buff Time
josecarlosfl18 replied to Warmaster™'s topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
I got a question and off topic for ✖CriticalError✖™ about that parsed list... That list are a [skillID,duration] right? That duration are in ms? i guess? what 14400? if 100 ms are 1 seg 3 hours not be 18000 ms? [100ms * 60seg (1hour) * 3 (3 hours of buff)] I got the same incongruent in XML of skill too, im still cannot undestand those time, when a configure one spesific time (5seg for example would be 500 ms) in game get 3 seg or 7 seg of buf time :S... Tnks in advance for answer me the question... -
[Request] Teleport for a time
josecarlosfl18 replied to heopas's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
When a player teleport, get 2 values on a table on DB, one origin city, second status of return (cuz you want to do that with every teleport? or with ones on them not all teleport?)... A treat (in core) activate a timeout of "x time" and when get zero, invoque "recall player" like GM got into their menu into that player in return to origin city... Any concret idea of how to do that pfff... it's just an idea not a codding solution :S... How to make a player recall? well you can create a npc in every town that do that request over that player... -
got some problem with missing files
josecarlosfl18 replied to omerbr's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Download preconfigured pack from oficial forum... that will solve youre problem... I think that source on SVN are missing cuz i got the same problem when a do a checkout on eclipse... or i got wrong svn address :S http://www.l2jfree.com/index.php?topic=8486.0 Good Luck... -
[Help]Bart Is Light But Ping is 9999
josecarlosfl18 replied to IMac's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
OMG... so many post and no one good answer... Here you can find youre answer... Today i get the SAME FU**ING problem... and in one second was resolved... http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=20250 Just need to edit the ipconfig.xml file into gameserver/data folder, and write the correct info there... easy... Good Luck... PD: That error sux -.-! -
Hello everybody... I know that post are old but, one big question... There a way to get the specific import or every chronicle of every release? I means ex: Interlude on L2jServer use *** includes and on L2jFree uses **** includes mostly, GF on L2jFree uses ***... and soo on... That can be done??? And tnks for this guide and the knowlegue share... Really helpfull for newbies GM and Devs... ^_^!
[Help] Script for Event
josecarlosfl18 replied to AdrenalinE's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
i guess he's looking for a restriction of items use not a pricing for join the event... -
That you need to do need some core editing and DB editing... 1- Alter the table that you want too add NPC 2- Find the ID colum and change type of data for one more big, the current type must be Int (integer) change it for Long for example... Thats problems come because and var type integer can store a max positive value of 65535 (¿¿¿ max enchant support ???), that are tech limit and cannot do something about it... 3- For the core editing i cant help you, but, in some words you must do the next... Every function that read or write data in that DB Table must me edited because procedure will try to store (or read) a Integer data fot that colum and will get a Long type... It's hard but... or make you're own custom table with Long ID field and use that instead a defauld one... Good luck...
Which Interlude Project?
josecarlosfl18 replied to sharpshoot3r's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
fools and more fools... Make youre own desition ... Read that amazing guide... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=92146.0 And also read that specific post on chapter 2... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=156075.0 That will guide you to the best than any simple word like before... About a 2 days ago i was make all those step and im concluse a clean data of L2jFree for Interlude and everything else L2jServer... I got success in all steps mention there... And very importand thing is "never use preconfig Pack" only source and compile by your self... Good luck... PD: Also an actually development of interlude with bug fix every week it's a L2J-Rok... web: http://forum.l2riseofking.ro/ svn: http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/l2jrok/ Reason editing: adding PD -
Hi everybody... i cant see the content "yet" but... For those who want the multi-skill working on interlude PM me and a can send it to you... It's a previous release By allen Working multi-skill Interlude, try it by my self and IT WORK!!!... Maybe the post it's lost into the forum so... i can give them back... For those who need it... ontopic: Thanks for the share... one a get the enought post ill download it and try it for my brand new 2.3 server ^_^! Im shure it will work cuz im trust on Allen release...
Are you try to run the server into another S.O? cuz im listen that Core dont work properly on Seven or Vista...
[SHARE]Npc level regress [FREYA L2J]
josecarlosfl18 replied to remixed's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
remixed: Did you know one NPC delevel for Interlude or Gracia Final? cuz i'll be searshing for a while looking one and googling too with no luck T_T!... ontopic: thanks for the share, but i can't try that cause mi server its Interlude and G.F ^_^! -
[Share]One solution For corrupt GMs(healing their chars)
josecarlosfl18 replied to ZnX's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
only one thing... If a player have a skill/buff that becomes his status invulnerable? (like orc/bishop skill) it will get healed anyway? I think there ways to refine this... Anyway thanks for sharing, good gain gm friendships jejeje ^_^! -
[Guide] Time Buffs for Gracia
josecarlosfl18 replied to xepimetheus's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
both way are handy, but this one are more easier for people who dont have any minimal idea of how to do sql queries or build our customs ones... besides, it's more quickly read a parsed file in a folder that do a query into a DB to obtain the skill spech... Thanks any way... i preffer edit a file that edit the DB (in my case doesn't matter i can do both ^_^!) and a will use it jejeje... -
I got a question. I downloaded it but, when i run the server and logged in, i see a list of NPC in Giran but not all of then got the options working... Gmshop, Argumenter and other dont show other opcion besides first html... Ill explain better, when click on NPC i get the first html with opcion, but when you click on any of ther eoptions the windows close and nothing happend... Any idea???