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Everything posted by mcrabben7

  1. No. I beat the internet.
  2. I already fixed this like 2 weeks ago *yawn* Next exploit please :P
  3. Try again :)
  4. They have Supreme Open Beta files I *let them use* so no one stole or bought anything. No, they are not as up-to-date as Supreme. Supreme Open Beta was from December 16th, 2006. Anyways, Exion is doing pretty well. Should give them a try, or Supreme a try.
  5. That patch was made by Nemeiasis of Deviant Realms. Give credit where credit is due.
  6. 99.9% of all packet exploits are already fixed, so you're making this team way too late. Also, most servers nowadays have methods of blocking bots/exploits even in the client. Good luck I guess, but you won't get anywhere without a bunch of good programmers :P
  7. They're probably just using AmpeD. Nothing special.
  8. Nice share. Coolest share that wasn't leeched I've ever seen on Maxbastards. Nice. Only thing I want to ask is, do I have to modify any other files, or does the L2 engine automatically load the new files correctly? Also, will it work fine on a C5 client? I'll give it a try anyways, but very cool.
  9. Any real hacker/dev would decrypt the itemname-e file and look it up...
  10. Making it in pure C++ is a stupid idea since you can make it 10x faster in a .NET language or Java. Even Delphi.
  11. If you piss me off enough I can block this method. Anyways... /leave thread
  12. It's not really a fix, lol. But it's better than nothing (I guess).
  13. Fraps or it never happened. I wrote 1990th century? Yea, in your crack cocaine dreams... Mods: please lock this topic. It's obvious they an't bot on Supreme so they have to resort to trying to flame us, even tho they suck at it and don't even know how to count time, don't know what century we're in, and use the stupidest pictures I've seen in a while. mpj123, I'm so dissapointed in you. I completely ripped your lame attempt at a flame apart and no comeback? Nothing to say, just making stuff up about "1990th century"? Ok...+1 forum war win for me.
  14. What the hell are you talking about? Where did I say "1990" or "20th century"? I didn't post a single thing about time or century. Are you smoking too much crack cocaine in your free time to think straight? Fry too many brain cells? Oh, because you're too stupid to realize how time works, we're in the 21st century. Read and learn, it's good for you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century I quote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/21st_century And I quote again: Oh yea, for your information, there is no such thing as the "1990th century" unless we're in the year 198,901 so I don't know where you got this absolutely retarded idea. Btw, it's spelled "we are" or "we're" not "were" please learn proper english if you are going to attack me about something I never said...it's common courtesy. This has been a public service announcement to teach you how to count, spell, and think like an intelligent person. Please go back to school before you make yourself look like more of an absolute idiot.
  15. I'm not here to pick a fight, but he did call me out by my name...I should at least get the courtesy to reply once or twice :P Anyways, I'm not here to post or make enemies. Just keeping up on my news like everyone else. Have fun with your cracks, and good luck with your new english bot or whatever you're making. We all do what we do.
  16. Supreme Beta never had a real protection system, lol at you. It was a temporary system as the current system was made. Also, if you have an unpacked version of the protection system send me a link, I'll be the first to congratulate you. Until I see a link in my inbox, though, talk all you want :)
  17. I already knew someone would try to kill the thread eventually, congratulations. I'll make a fix for it soon enough. It's quite entertaining to see all the posts on these forums :) We're so popular.
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