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Everything posted by SensationWhite

  1. piesa speciala pentru Chr.Trance ,sa se auda in toata CT http://www.trilulilu.ro/pumaboy25/54b088adfafd23 e din orasu meu ,niste cantareti :)
  2. stati ca am o piesa ce e speciala pentru Chr.Trance da nu stiu unde sa o uploadez....zicetimi voi
  3. sa vezi ce se mai certau pe youtube la comenturi ca cica e muzica greceasca ,alti ca e romaneasca si tot asha ..........
  4. love the new skills and the new combat mode :D I heard that will be added a new grade to armors + weapons,the R grade. S<R
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmcAn6G6KpA one of my fav song :D
  6. yea i did exactly like TeђGëØrge said. Run the game ,enter in a server ,run m1dge.It work but after 10 secs boom i get out of the game. BTW:i play with steam.
  7. it works only for Java Interlude with bad Devs :)
  8. i never have lag but if u have u can try battleping .
  9. My first game was Mario :X I played on this "console"
  10. hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm WHA? pro spam xD
  11. idk i just use this one.I made this guide for the ones who have this program and maiby dont know how to use it properly.
  12. Hy everyone. This is a guide about how to make auto CP/HP/MP with MacroGamer.I saw one more topic about MacroGamer but in this one i will talk only about restoring CP/HP/MP by autoclicking hotkeys. Ok so lets start: The link from where u can download : http://rapidshare.com/files/440614026/MacroGamer_v275_Setup.rar 1.Install MacroGamer than log in a server ,go in Giran or anywhere else u want.Decrease your CP or HP or MP ,it depends on what will you want to be auto restored.I will show u how to auto restore CP. 2. Press Create New 3. Give it a name .Click on Record Delays,Mouse clicks,Click position and repeat until stopped. Than press Bind to Key and press a button.I ussualy use the button + from the right part of the keyboard,but you can use what button u want."The bind to key" button is the one you will press at the end ,when u will finish the editing part 4. Than press Insert>>Pixel Event>>Press Wait for color>>Press Pick Location (click with the mouse on the left side of CP bar ,where the collour is brown,where is my white circle(Be carefull ->don`t click on 100% of the bar or where the CP is yellow it must be on 90% 80% of the bar ,where is brown. Than it should look like this: Press Insert. 5.Press Insert->>Key Event ,than Press Normal on the "Type of Press" ,after that Press Record and press on the button that is your CP potion in game,in my case F12 (Be carefull the CP potion MUST be on the first bar. 6.Than press again Insert->>Delay and fix the seconds to 0 | 10 7.Than press OK and if the window wont close press close too.("Insert Key Event" window) 8.Press OK (in the "Macro Editor" window) than press Run After Run minimise MacroGamer and go in Lineage 2 and press the "Bind To Key" button (in my case + from the right side of the keyboard) You can do the same for HP and MP and if you use small CP potion after u have finished the editing part for the big CP pots ,you will have to press again in the Insert>>Key Event and there press on F11(in my case i put my small CP pots on F11,but again u can put it where you want but it must be on the first bar) It should look like this when u add the small cp pots : I hope it was a usefull guide. BTW: I tested this program on every server i played like L2 MxC,L2 Survival (off server) and many javas.Nobody will ban you for using this.
  13. era,acma e altcineva :) Sunt un tovaras de a lui :)
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