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Everything posted by Nicolás™

  1. Grand Opening 4thof November 20:00 UTC +2 [Europe] 15:00 UTC -3 [Brazil] 15:00 UTC -3 [Argentina] Website: https://l2flector.com/ Why you should play on our servers: Unique custom Java platform. Best defenses against DDOS attacks. Protection from bots. SGuard Game wthout wipe more than 6 months! Comfortable game without freezes and delays. http://i.imgur.com/OnOyPEs.png Xp/Sp - 1000x Aden/Drop - 100x Rate Party Xp/Sp -1.5x OLYMPIAD Retail olympiad game. Olympiad Starts: 18:00 [+2GMT] Olympiad Ends: 24:00 [+2GMT] Hero Changes: Every Friday 14:00 [+2GMT] Period: 1 week http://i.imgur.com/XdCjnli.png Simple / Blessed Max Enchant (Weapon / Armor): +15 | (Jewelery): +15 Crystal Max Enchant (Weapon / Armor): +20 | (Jewelery):+20 Safe Enchant: +4 Blessed: 90% Crystal: 80%>+16|70%>+17| 60%>+18|50%>+19|40%>+20 http://i.imgur.com/XdCjnli.png Mid Skill Chance: 5% | High: 10% | Top: 15% Max 1 active and 1 passive Augment at a time CASTLE SIEGE TIME Aden, Dion, Giran, Goddard http://i.imgur.com/Bowd2HS.png Main town - Giran. Unique monsters. Unique pvp system. Unique aden balance. Unique farming areas. Unique L2Flector tattoos. Wedding system. Npc skill enchanter. Auto learn skills A grade items - free. Shops till top S grade. Full npc buffer with auto buff and scheme. 64 Buff Slots. Buff Time 3 hours. Max subclasses - 5. Free class change. Free sub class. Free nobless status. Stackable scrolls/ls/bog. No weight limit. No grade limit. Pvp/pk show on title. Top 20 pvp/pk in game. Offline trade system. Interlude retail skills. Perfect class balance. More then 18 active raid bosses. Without custom items. Server is secured with Sguard. SERVER COMMANDS .menu - Personal config. .siege - Sieges Info. .online - How many players online. .join .leave - Join or leave tvt event. .repair - Repair your char if you been stucked Website: https://l2flector.com/
  2. Hello , im looking for a developer to set up a proxy system, Contact me discord : Fof#9481
  3. steile mou to skype sou se pm
  4. Who are you? You are not even contact with me. How can you say that sucks.
  5. If someone would wanna check my groups i could invite him. Pictures can't prove nothing. Thank you
  6. Want a success server? Want a success opening? You need increase your community? We are here for you.We offer high quality advertising.You would be able see results on minutes. Advertising includes : 1)Spam on over 4k contacts (players of l2) on skype. 2)Spam on over 40 Facebook groups (includes l2 players) 3)Offer banner or Pin Topic on my personal Groups(L2 players). 4K + 290 people inside on both of them. 4)Spam on over 50k Mails of l2players. Price : Negotiable. P.S : You can use just 1 or 2 out of 4 service. Contact me via pm.
  7. I would sell skype contacts I got 2 patches. 1st patch : [http://prntscr.com/8694mm ] 2nd patch : [ 1st patch + 1.5k more] About mails contact me. Price : Negotiable
  8. changed type to gain items. you can buy crystals by pvp. new boss added [dropped rb rings etc]
  9. hahahaha thelw boost pame
  10. mhn klais piri piri
  11. I wasnt talking about you. Your may be the normal guy who post a negative comment here. We try to be better. You know that there isnt perfect server not even official.
  12. more hating comments up
  13. hating for life
  14. Server is online move it please
  15. 1 day and 9 hours
  16. Previous was 4 months open, i dont know why so much hate.
  17. HAHAHAHA thats why i am here
  18. yeah you are his partner :D
  19. yeah sure.
  20. You close on 1st of month your server l2undone and you open with same pack/features etc l2fabulous . good cheating on players
  21. any photo? you need post photo as proof mate
  22. Its not mada server + Website made from a guy from 0.
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