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Everything posted by andre_f

  1. someone having problems to redeem the code? i put the code and the site goes to a page that say tank you, but wen i log in game i dont have the icon.
  2. TOP: Wickd MID: Alex Ich JUNGLE: TheOddOne AD: yellowpete SUPPORT: no idea
  3. i had some problem like that and the only way to solve was to delete the game and install again.
  4. he already talked about that, he speak german because he play with friends and its easy to communicate, but when he play solo q he speak english.
  5. guys, what your opinion about rengar? i save some ip and i really don't know what to buy, his he worth to buy? or should i just spend the ip on other champ ?
  6. the things i see in this games at night, ap rammus, ad lux :o
  7. im the only one that wen play at 1am or more always get a team full of trolls?
  8. ad in red's and quint? what about the rest? mr, armor ?
  9. Hi. Can someone give a help in what is the best runes for kennen top?
  10. To celebrate Pulsefire Ezreal’s landing in the League of Legends Store, we’ll be letting you take him home for less than the price of a Legendary Skin for the first four days after he’s released. You’ll be able to add Pulsefire Ezreal to your arsenal for 1625 RP – a full 50% off his base price. After the sale, he’ll return to his regular price of 3250 RP.
  11. i think only ashe in this patch, but they say they will make to more champs in the future.
  12. thanks. But what about the cursor? like you see in the pic he have a different cursor.
  13. Hi. Anyone know how to make range indicator for skills like in this pic?
  14. something wrong with ip points from games? because i win almost same points from victory and from defeat.
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