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Everything posted by Akken

  1. proofs oti eklepsa kai kaneme report
  2. with 10k euro i give you this forum, my mother , my grandma and a playstation
  3. ok proffesional, 2 server have been posted i see them still on
  4. oh hi i am so scared of you hacking servers www.l2candy.com if you can hack dis one i will die laughing Pro hacker, knows hacking still writes opened us opene and legacy as legaecy :troll:
  5. #hashtagseverywhere #euxaristw #mwraki
  6. Every +20 , active / passive duel might Class : Phantom Ranger with more than +1300 pvp 5 euros pm me here, accepting paysafe
  7. lock that , it sucks i will think something better
  8. Deleted all lifestones from droplists obtain them via vote shop or from the Kerthoul The Dark Keeper raidboss (He is hidden at elven fortress) since rates are 100%
  9. Obviously i dont have a website lol :P It is still preview that means i still work on it and i wait for a maxcheater's user to give me a txt with infos that i will try to implement
  10. Added Armor crush on dwarves and Mega Blessed body so they can have more Hp (PvPable) these skills are off from olympiad I got some life issues so development goes slow FreePvP mask - +10% HP/CP/MP/ +3 RunSpd +2 accuracy + 2 Evasion + 3% mcritical +1.5 rcritical
  11. Features updated and more to come
  12. i dont see any e-law saying dont name your server ...pvp since i know also www.euro-pvp.ru and much more.. Stop this drama with aepvp and success etc and i dont care for thhe l2ewpvp @on topic!!! I said thats for now, opinions and suggestions are welcome... thats why it is on previews
  13. General rates: X1000 Adena rates: X100 Enchant rates: Safe + 16 Max Armor: +12 Max weapon: unlimited Max jewls: +14 Rates: Normal - 35% Blessed - 40% Crystal 56% General features: Starting with 10000 adena (prices devided) at max level 80 S armor and jewls free A grade weapons free Farmable S grade weapon bows jewls-raiding or vote reward Weekly sieges Olympiad: Olympiad till A grade* Weekly and hero weapons are enchantable Events: TvT Deathmatch Mulifunction zone : antharas lair Farm safe: gludin Farm : elven fortress Starting location : elven village Augment rates: 100% Only 3 active stuckale and one passive! Commands: .stat .online .farm1 .pvp1 .repair (if you character stucks) Buffs: 3 hours and autonobless Slots : 24+4 and debuffs 2 PvP: 1 PvP = 1 PvP Coin You can also get boss jewls and scrolls via pvp coins When a clan member kills (a non wartag) but enemy clan member will get +100 Clan Points Raidbosses: Smaug: Respawn 12Hours no random. Droplist: Lifestones Top (Since on GM shop it will be till High Grade), Baium and Valakas Jewls, Hero Coin Killing Spree with warlegend aura Blade Dancer, Sword Singers Blade Dancer will have touch of death skill Sword Singers will have touch of life skill Added Armor crush on dwarves and Mega Blessed body so they can have more Hp (PvPable) these skills are off from olympiad I got some life issues so development goes slow more to come post some ideas
  14. indeed i had custom weapon penalties also in xml...
  15. Just need to add a check for 2 weapons so they wont get penalty and i am stuck /** * Refresh mastery weap penality. */ public void refreshMasteryWeapPenality() { if (!Config.MASTERY_WEAPON_PENALTY || this.getLevel() <= Config.LEVEL_TO_GET_WEAPON_PENALITY) return; _blunt_mastery = false; _bow_mastery = false; _dagger_mastery = false; _fist_mastery = false; _dual_mastery = false; _pole_mastery = false; _sword_mastery = false; _2hands_mastery = false; L2Skill[] char_skills = this.getAllSkills(); for (L2Skill actual_skill : char_skills) { if (actual_skill.getName().contains("Sword Blunt Mastery")) { _sword_mastery = true; _blunt_mastery = true; continue; } if (actual_skill.getName().contains("Blunt Mastery")) { _blunt_mastery = true; continue; } if (actual_skill.getName().contains("Bow Mastery")) { _bow_mastery = true; continue; } if (actual_skill.getName().contains("Dagger Mastery")) { _dagger_mastery = true; continue; } if (actual_skill.getName().contains("Fist Mastery")) { _fist_mastery = true; continue; } if (actual_skill.getName().contains("Dual Weapon Mastery")) { _dual_mastery = true; continue; } if (actual_skill.getName().contains("Polearm Mastery")) { _pole_mastery = true; continue; } if (actual_skill.getName().contains("Two-handed Weapon Mastery")) { _2hands_mastery = true; continue; } } int newMasteryPenalty = 0; if (!_bow_mastery && !_blunt_mastery && !_dagger_mastery && !_fist_mastery && !_dual_mastery && !_pole_mastery && !_sword_mastery && !_2hands_mastery) { // not completed 1st class transfer or not acquired yet the mastery skills newMasteryPenalty = 0; } else { for (L2ItemInstance item : getInventory().getItems()) { if (item != null && item.isEquipped() && item.getItem() instanceof L2Weapon && !isCursedWeaponEquiped()) { // No penality for cupid's bow if (item.isCupidBow()) continue; L2Weapon weap_item = (L2Weapon) item.getItem(); switch (weap_item.getItemType()) { case BIGBLUNT: case BIGSWORD: { if (!_2hands_mastery) newMasteryPenalty++; } break; case BLUNT: { if (!_blunt_mastery) newMasteryPenalty++; } break; case BOW: { if (!_bow_mastery) newMasteryPenalty++; } break; case DAGGER: { if (!_dagger_mastery) newMasteryPenalty++; } break; case DUAL: { if (!_dual_mastery) newMasteryPenalty++; } break; case DUALFIST: case FIST: { if (!_fist_mastery) newMasteryPenalty++; } break; case POLE: { if (!_pole_mastery) newMasteryPenalty++; } break; case SWORD: { if (!_sword_mastery) newMasteryPenalty++; } break; } } } }
  16. it is interlude and l2jbroken (frozen) just learning making some tries :P i am just so curious why it doesnt work it is L2PcInstance
  17. mastery penalty for weapon , so if you wear cupid bow it doesnt give you a penalty i want to add 2 more weapons so you cant get a mastery penalty but i guess my code is wrong?
  18. I still get mastery penalty even with this if (!_bow_mastery && !_blunt_mastery && !_dagger_mastery && !_fist_mastery && !_dual_mastery && !_pole_mastery && !_sword_mastery && !_2hands_mastery) { // not completed 1st class transfer or not acquired yet the mastery skills newMasteryPenalty = 0; } else { for (L2ItemInstance item : getInventory().getItems()) { if (item != null && item.isEquipped() && item.getItem() instanceof L2Weapon && !isCursedWeaponEquiped()) { // No penality for cupid's bow +if (item.isCupidBow() || item.getItemId() == 10010 || item.getItemId() == 10011) continue;
  19. You cannot buy/sell aCis Try contacting tryskell for the files and pay a dev for the rest without giving him your sources
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/188001-l2j-ewpvp/?do=findComment&comment=2444287junk it please giving private infos
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