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Everything posted by Voqus

  1. Universe, σοβαρά ρε φίλε το έχεις δει υπεράνω επειδή πήρες ένα mod rank. Άραξε, βοήθα το φόρουμ και κόψε το δράμα.
  2. To give the feel of a 'lava cave' (speaking about the right corner),fierce,evil,dangerous feeling to the character
  3. I'm sorry you got disqualified xdam, thought you'd fix it since you told me so in pm b4 the competition ends :-\ Also, FG... You mean 02/06/2013, right?
  4. Because im bored to write the code from scratch, i found that: package de.vogella.mysql.first.test; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Date; public class MySQLAccess { private Connection connect = null; private Statement statement = null; private PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; private ResultSet resultSet = null; public void readDataBase() throws Exception { try { // This will load the MySQL driver, each DB has its own driver Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); // Setup the connection with the DB connect = DriverManager .getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/feedback?" + "user=sqluser&password=sqluserpw"); // Statements allow to issue SQL queries to the database statement = connect.createStatement(); // Result set get the result of the SQL query resultSet = statement .executeQuery("select * from FEEDBACK.COMMENTS"); writeResultSet(resultSet); // PreparedStatements can use variables and are more efficient preparedStatement = connect .prepareStatement("insert into FEEDBACK.COMMENTS values (default, ?, ?, ?, ? , ?, ?)"); // "myuser, webpage, datum, summary, COMMENTS from FEEDBACK.COMMENTS"); // Parameters start with 1 preparedStatement.setString(1, "Test"); preparedStatement.setString(2, "TestEmail"); preparedStatement.setString(3, "TestWebpage"); preparedStatement.setDate(4, new java.sql.Date(2009, 12, 11)); preparedStatement.setString(5, "TestSummary"); preparedStatement.setString(6, "TestComment"); preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); preparedStatement = connect .prepareStatement("SELECT myuser, webpage, datum, summary, COMMENTS from FEEDBACK.COMMENTS"); resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); writeResultSet(resultSet); // Remove again the insert comment preparedStatement = connect .prepareStatement("delete from FEEDBACK.COMMENTS where myuser= ? ; "); preparedStatement.setString(1, "Test"); preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); resultSet = statement .executeQuery("select * from FEEDBACK.COMMENTS"); writeMetaData(resultSet); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { close(); } } private void writeMetaData(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { // Now get some metadata from the database // Result set get the result of the SQL query System.out.println("The columns in the table are: "); System.out.println("Table: " + resultSet.getMetaData().getTableName(1)); for (int i = 1; i<= resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++){ System.out.println("Column " +i + " "+ resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnName(i)); } } private void writeResultSet(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { // ResultSet is initially before the first data set while (resultSet.next()) { // It is possible to get the columns via name // also possible to get the columns via the column number // which starts at 1 // e.g. resultSet.getSTring(2); String user = resultSet.getString("myuser"); String website = resultSet.getString("webpage"); String summary = resultSet.getString("summary"); Date date = resultSet.getDate("datum"); String comment = resultSet.getString("comments"); System.out.println("User: " + user); System.out.println("Website: " + website); System.out.println("Summary: " + summary); System.out.println("Date: " + date); System.out.println("Comment: " + comment); } } // You need to close the resultSet private void close() { try { if (resultSet != null) { resultSet.close(); } if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } if (connect != null) { connect.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } Main class file package de.vogella.mysql.first.test; import de.vogella.mysql.first.MySQLAccess; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { MySQLAccess dao = new MySQLAccess(); dao.readDataBase(); } } Source: here // I suggest you read that link to see the SQL statements that were created above. Hope i helped. If you still have questions, pm.
  5. And out of nowhere he decided to lock topics 1+ month old? That's bullshi.t
  6. May i ask who and why the fuck locked http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=134.0 MOST of these topics?
  7. Name: Voqus Picture Link: http://i.imgur.com/VxkRBhn.png
  8. Just when i thought i will participate, those op entries changed my mind.
  9. Aint that supposed to be moved to help & requests?
  10. Don't you think is about time u moved this topic to this section?
  11. Ain't bad. If i were you though i would set up a Timer class and some range between player and TNT object in order to avoid bugs such as falling to black zone after some point underneath the map. Also, i would implement damage of TNT to player if he's within the range more realistic and effective way to avoid that bug. If you didn't get what i mean, tell me to explain further. KIU mate ;)
  12. I don't think he can bump such topics anyways.... He's not providing any services or whatsover, so bumping is really useless.
  13. Just a brief introduction of what each of those do, Topaz Adjust - Has a couple of adjustments of colors itself, like giving a cold or warm feeling. It's like playing with Curves. Topaz BW Effects - Makes a picture black n white. Topaz Clean - Sharpening a picture with different textures like cartoonish,etc. Topaz DeJpeg - Creates high quality Jpeg pictures. Topaz DeNoise - Removes the digital noise of the picture. Topaz Detail - Works the same as Sharpening filter of Photoshop. Topaz InFocus - Focuses on a certains spot, and blurs the rest to give a realistic in-focus effect in the picture. Topaz Lens Effects - Gives filters, lens similar to those of a camera. Topaz ReMask - Similar to the manual rendering we do on photoshop. Topaz Simplify - Gives a soft feeling to the picture.
  14. Topaz is a plug-in for Photoshop. You just download it from www.topazlabs.com or illegal sites that share it for free. Though, topaz has many sections like clean, blur, black and white, etc.
  15. Just go and create a thread about it, if mods disagree about it they will delete it.
  16. For the last time, this is not about an event, its just a battle. Just post a thread u vs who, the theme, time limit if he accepts post poll with ur entries and declare the winner, simple enough. Why the heck would u need maxtor...
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