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Everything posted by Voqus

  1. Behold the new tag i made for a friend after a long break from gfxing.
  2. BOING.... BOING.......... BOOOING!
  3. Don't wanna keep talking about it, just check this and this On L2PcInstance you need to create boolean field for vip and getters, setters for it as well. So inside the gatekeeper class it will go like this: if(player.isVip()) //if the player has vip status teleport him player.teleToLocation(x, y, z); // teleport the player to x y z location
  4. on the first request just search the forum to find the pvp lord engine thingie and use it as your base, it even has the login checks and extra stats needed so you pretty much copy paste everything and change variable,method names. as about the second one you can just create new class and extend l2teleportinstance or whatever its called in l2j and create ur own teleporter with the appropriate check before the action of the button takes place if(player.isVip()) player.teleportTo(x,y,z); or something. This one is also shared by matim if i remember correctly, look for it in the forum. Haven't coded sh.it in l2j for about 2+ years so bare with me ^^.
  5. any ro madafaka lives in tulcea? pm.
  6. On this one i'd prefer not to set any text because it would steal away the depth of the picture. But that's just my opinion.
  7. I'd place the text on the lower right corner of pic with professional typography. As about what should the text be, it's up to you.
  8. *was a request from a guy to apply chakra usage on spiderman xD*
  9. Who wants a crappy signature i've made? lols
  10. ocelote, wickd, snoopeh, xpeke, voyboy dat order but since its max 2 votes, oce and wickd. Oh, maybe gemiee too for some fapfap material.
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