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Everything posted by eliope

  1. What are u some random i banned? Yeh i botted my life up on helios it was amazing +16 set in less thana day :D im not astaff member on this server im a player and as u cant bot on it its even better! wana come own me? bring it on :)
  2. s80 is nothing when you have working tiat/ekimus, when gorgolos drops vesper and icarus. when all the areas quests and spoils are working to retail at 30x if as you say "big clans left" ? is that by chance fear? xronin? Dont u know they are famous for joining new servers staying for a month then finding some inane reasonto emo quit because they failed to dominate? the donate list is frank and honest, dont be so fuking nieve as to think you cant email any server admin and buy a VIRTUAL item for real life currency. Are u that nieve? really? or you just here to troll?
  3. owners just bought usadvertising on serveral websites now is the time to roll with your clan !
  4. we got 400 - 500 online most evening alot less duringthe day. its rising fast though!
  5. Dont forget to all u new guys go vote!!!!
  6. i HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS SERVER complete bot protection. no need for gm intefereance as l2net and walker do not work fully working from what i have tested thus far pretty damn good
  7. not much to say except this isnt on your donation list? and why dont you use your real names like you do on your other server l2world? You even have the l2world buffer name in the pet buffs section. Think you missed that off. http://img189.imageshack.us/i/bustedgp.jpg/
  8. l2 is dead because of greedy admins who chose to ddos other servers in some lame attempt to get more players on their crusty corrupted crap l2 community is tired of putting up with junk. thats all
  9. i want epic set ant, baium, tezza, antharas, zaken dyn masterwork +6 set or dyn set +6 - LIGHT dynasty bow great gale +10 focus a 3rd class cov or pofer, a 3rd class sws offering £1500 dont mess me about items must be seen in game
  10. Looks good mate, i played the first round of hellpit and got few hero characters it was easy then and u made it easier still, Should be some Fun pvp server for sure.
  11. new Zone is pretty cool, add some more it gets boring seeing the same old mobs :>
  12. Quick update, got my first skill to +30 today! its pretty damn fast, was some furious pvp at every farm zone too damn good fun most ive wanted to play l2 in years
  13. started playing here in my limited spare time, its pretty good farmings easy, pvp is fun. and theirs no bugs as far as i can tell so far. Give it a shot for pvp its gona be the bomb :)
  14. opinion is sC at raids = sux on high rates :)
  15. u need to upload a l2.ini as most players dont use host files anymore and they are far too lazy to go changing the l2.ini themselves :)
  16. name: Naps Character: Paladin server: Zephyr back in c3 x3 my first time ever playing any game like this, i was scared to death that my character would die and i'd have to start again :) was during the drop from mob death crap too and i dropped my sword of delusion first time i left town after making it QQ.
  17. nah they neeed nutts to ban the idiots who cause problems and not be swayed by forum trolling and crying to nerf this and nerf that
  18. When you enter a raid boss zone you will be checked if you have a party and if you dont you will be teleported to the nearest town. ^^ kinda pointless anyone can add a guy to party/box also whats the need? someone rip your raids or what? interlude was good. but the game has advanced, get with the times
  19. God u all had it easy i jail ppl for 10k minutes on the server i work on, equates to 7 days
  20. best before augments was summoners best when augments had a faster reuse was elemental summoner, cast like sps + summon best with augment reuse increase was paladin/tk/bishop/ee/soul hound every other class is now free points to any one of these unless your a nub
  21. paladin is 100x better if u like being immortal and never dieing DA is more fun to play if the skills work as they should on the summon
  22. l2world is the most failed ever hacked by the devs brother within 2 weeks of start some nub gm called leonine kam3ran cant sack because hes a relative stupid random class alterations and nerfs l2godz came a close second for me that was a damn good server destroyed by a GM selling items on the side without the owners knowledge.
  23. players want retail for free no bugs, no geodata bugs, everything working no donations, they want the owner to live in a mud hut and be grateful his google ads pay him 16 pence a week.
  24. oops forgot asians i hate asians! oh and russians and i hate dogs cats infact i hate all animals all people and all insects
  25. i hate packis blacks jews arabs french people white people indiana eskimos south americans north americans central americans australians ... i hate you all
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