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Everything posted by L2Raijin

  1. Multisell in java code? :) NICE! Well but I still dont get it how to use it
  2. Now this is really awesome!!!!! Btw how much resources does it take? Lets say 500 online players on server...All log on after rr...Wont it lag?
  3. What pack are You using for Your Server?
  4. It remembers L2j Commands, any way thanks for this :)
  5. This revision has good hellbound island, but other things dont work very well.. Tully workshop.py is worthless. I would recommend to use L2jLive or L2j Open last Revisions.
  6. I have to admit - Good website and no Posts requirement! thank You. ( +1 website to my collection )
  7. Beatiful colours of buttons. Thanks ill take this one :)
  8. Nice video sound :D Btw well this guide is usefull , now I have idea how its all about to install L2OFF server
  9. Ke$ha :DD Tha npc really looks like that.... Well any way thanks for this shop npc, nowadays not many of them... ( for Freya )
  10. "It will take him 2-3 hours to load fully."? To spawn npc takes so long? :/ Well any way nice share
  11. CHEESUS CHRIST !! NO more website scripts that open wholes to server database!!!! :) Thank you :***
  12. ahaha :DD Thats one nice, maybe its possible to add Sounds of quake in lineage2 some how when killing playere
  13. Why do all freya websites use this background ? try smth differtent
  14. Why do all freya websites use this background ? try smth differtent
  15. monsters in towns maybe not good idea, but decorations are really usefull , already taked Book shelf
  16. aaa :D This is cool , christmas is coming! It will be really usefull
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