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Everything posted by xHellBornx

  1. I have a problem with the Sony Ericsson w20i mobile, which is that I can't find the option "Delivery Report" for when I send text messages. Could someone help me find it? (I have tried to find the option in Menu>Messages>Message Options but I can't find it anywhere.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GR] Έχω ένα πρόβλημα με το κινητό Sony Ericsson w20i και δεν μπορώ να βρω την επιλογή "Αναφορά Παράδοσης" για τα μηνύματα. Μπορεί κάποιος να μου πει πως μπορώ να την βρω; (Έχω δοκιμάσει να το βρω από Menu>Μηνύματα>Ρυθμίσεις αλλά τίποτα.) [GR]
  2. welcome
  3. downloading... hope it works
  4. It didn't worked for me...
  5. wow... such a nice guide, it really helped me a lot with my templar ^^
  6. Works for me too :D. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  7. It's so easy to deactive your account on facebook.... Why should you make a guide for that?
  8. Really cool avatars. Nice share Furiosus.
  9. akrivws. Merikoi server exoun protect kai dn epitrepou panw apo ena orio para8urwn p mporeis na anoi3eis. Isws sto net loipei kapoio arxeio, kai giauto dn mporeis.
  10. Welcome & Read the rules :)
  11. Dota!! :D
  12. I would like to find a photoshop fully functional. Can somebody PM me with a link to download photoshop+crack?. Thanks.
  13. I agree with VeGe. Maybe you should edit some bosses droplist too, and add some goods of the server (e.g. medals,blessed) with a customed spawntime.
  14. a... ok la8os m (mwlis 3upnhsa mhn me pare3hgeis :P)
  15. Cardinal/Ghost Sentinel/Storm screamer/Wind rider
  16. gia ton thegame milousa :P
  17. m fainete einai kanonika dld kanontas bots. e3alou einai low rate, exeis dei pollous xwris low-rate xwris n xreiazete na kaneis bot? xD
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