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Everything posted by Dr3m0

  1. go here https://support.leagueoflegends.com/home and then click on sumbit a request and then on category use the biling content refund and wrote what you want to sell on description
  2. yes you can BUT only 1 time and you can sell max 3 champ or skins for ip or rp i got pulsfire ez QQ
  3. apo event mporeis na kaneis kai sto coloseo esu o idios h na exeis enan event gm p 8a kani event opos 2v2 3v3 kai polla alla kai apo custom p leei o allos oi perisoteroi server einai xwris custom kai einai sini8ismenoi diladh dn 8a exei tpt to endiaferon exw pisteuo mia custom armor kai weap to a3izi
  4. dont go again easyfun with out clan you cant get full epic and with clan is hard too and they sell epic jewels for many vc
  5. ginese kourastikos ftani lg dn me niazi pos 8a paizeis allo telos
  6. yeap thn deutera 8a mpoune sto site tou esl exei antistrofi metrisi 3 meres kai kati wres
  7. me 1 euro mporeis na paris mia turopita alla edw exoume 1.5 euro ara pernis kai tsixles edit: mporei sto mellon na scammari pio polla lefta
  8. pes m ena logo p dn 8es nunu support did esu ti 8a exeis panta gia support soraka,taric,ali? esu pane paize me kana exhaust mpetonoblaka kai nai to heal se sozi se ola ta lvl to support mporei kapoia stigmh na mhn einai dipla sou ekinh ti stigmh ti 8a kanis? 8a katsis na pai8anis? fusika an dn exeis heal telos panton dn asxoloume allo me atomo p pisteuei oti to heal dn a3izei sto ad carry
  9. 8a eixes ka8e mera 21352135123 atoma me tetia gatekeeper na exei kalo balance o server oxi o archer na skaei 13513531513531 dmg na mn exei polla custom mia armor kai weap
  10. this game haven't cheats i was playing 1 month and more and i never see one cheater
  11. i have play on l2crimson and this server is not so good better l2easyfun
  12. mia xara einai emena m aresan opios pei oti oi metafrasei dn einai wrea tote einai komple3ikos opos merikoi lene dn m aresoun ta onoma ton items
  13. not sure if stupid sxedon misoi einai west kai alloi tosoi east
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