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Everything posted by Dr3m0

  1. already this topic exist
  2. the reason is other ppl cant speak at his topic(l2wargate)for other server and dev can speak on other servers for his server and he give -1 to a guy who speak at his topic for another server
  3. dev you are just jelly cause most of your ppl went to canyon
  4. what you mean? ppl cant talk for any server on his topic but he spam on l2canyon for his server so?
  5. yea other ppl cant spam at his topic for l2wargate and he spam on other servers
  6. krima dn menoune oloi se orfanotrofeia opos esu krima kai pali krima kai eisai polu asteios,den kai auto p les ad ahri kovi veigar olo mlkies petas ade ftani lg mas ta pri3es
  7. ade 3ekina kane ad ahri guide na mas pri3is kiallo eides mia fora ad ahri kai les einai best ad pff
  8. to quadra o singed to eixe dosi etoimo an eides oloi eixane 200 hp kai ligotero kai me autous p paizane oute ranked dn einai ara mporeis na kaneis oti 8es pisteuo oute skype dn 8a htane
  9. the sale was for 3-4 days no more so QQ now :S
  10. ti sxesi exei to counter?ama o allos dn nio8i dn nio8i eixa ahri kai me ekane counter o ryze polu kalo counter 0-7 eixe
  11. Dr3m0


    p 8es varka h coli?sou protino kai oly an 8es na paro free pts
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