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Everything posted by Dr3m0

  1. 8a tous baloune fotia ti 8a gini toso kairo leme ti 8a kanoune 8a tous dosoune transfer na pane east an 8eloune
  2. ama dn sou aresoun dn se upoxreonh kaneis na balis ta ellhnika enta3h?ma8ate oloi tr dn m aresoun oi metafraseis kai auta dn ftani p h riot endiarfe8hke gia tin ellada milate kiolas kai gia to skin nai 8a dosoune free skin pane sto ellhniko forum kai diabase ekei lg http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=455222 kai mn kanis thn e3upnada sou p ma8ame gia to free skin
  3. he not even ganked top or mid or even bot when the enemy junlger was camp all lanes and when he do a gank he gave them free kills u mad?
  4. lol i had one noc he never gank then lanes and when he do he gave free kills and nida top so bad and she told noob bot cause i got one death at start and then she had 1-6
  5. unistall and install again the lol
  6. mn lete blakeies me ta turbo-x ama dn sas aresoun mn ta pernete polu apla dn sas upoxreonh kaneis na to agoraseis
  7. dn 3erw gt milame agglika tecpa h cassio 8a einai to skin p 8a dosoune
  8. y greeks will take cassio and who dont have cassio is so lucky he will get and champ
  9. ta turbo x mia xara einai egw exw ena pc me mitrhkh turbo x kai douleui mia xara kai to exw 3-4 xronia
  10. mporo na paro kai buffs tou overlord or not?a kai 8es ta idia class h oti 8eli o ka8enas?
  11. pos fainete 3ekhnane kai lene 1v1 p dn mporeis na katalabis tpt apo to 1v1 -.-
  12. oxi alla to brhkate petageste oloi kateu8eian c/p ama to ekane c/p bravo dn phre oute karma oute tpt ade afiste ton hshxo toulaxiston 8eli na kani kati
  13. eseis tr ti milate did? kai ama ekane bravo kai alloi kanoune copy paste dn einai mono autos ade ftani tr
  14. i dont say for that i say for the game i had premade at bot 1550 elo with 1290 elo greeks
  15. autos einai poli pro dn xriazete heal
  16. why not to flame them if they flame me? and that game was lost so
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