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Everything posted by Dr3m0

  1. pantos prepei na xeromaste pou mas skefthke oloklhrh riot
  2. egw leo prepi na kanoune kai tama stin riot gt ena megalo game asxolite me tin ellada kai opion dn tou aresei na gurisi to client sta ellhnika tou as to exei opos 8elei
  3. swsta lene o dask kai o pwnz0r p einai to kako isa isa endiarfe8hkan gia tous ellhnes p paizoun lol tama sthn riot 8a prepei na kanete
  4. poli op milame pao na agoraso enan filaka aggelo me tin as
  5. em ama bazeis acc kai dn ta 8umase auta ginonte
  6. mallon dn mporeis na to paris piso mono an milisis me gm kai tou di3is apodi3eis oti einai dikos sou to acc
  7. bgale enan fulaka aggelo gt olo esena xonoune
  8. dn eipa tpt gia th glwssa alla wreo m fenetai
  9. yeap diplo kill triplo kill tetraplo kill pentaplo kill!!!!!!!
  10. sure is cause yesterday i had one guy with 10 victory and he fed top how to win this?
  11. +1 cause many times we have let last pick go where he want and just fail and you lose the game now i am 1429 elo
  12. y cause when you let last pick to go where he want he suck every time
  13. dat last pick who says me top or me mid or me ad carry fuck off really
  14. fuck this bad ppl before enemy was mid and our jungler was farming top wtf is wrong with them and ofc he was greek
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