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Everything posted by Trance

  1. I'll share them later but it's kinda old, isn't bugged as other says but you better take last l2jfrozen and move all customs there. <.< Edit: Hit meh for download! I didn't delete accounts from database, it's full. >.> You don't even know how to write in english, what about knowledge >.< It was good few years ago.
  2. and then skyfire \m/
  3. Damn. Doesn't matter if he has dynamic ip or not, should work in both cases. Just put your IP into login config.
  4. Ce faci pe data de 21 aprilie? : ))
  5. Stiu, la asta sa referit ca am comentat "trololo" : )) dar nu a dat accept.
  6. Defapt eram curios daca e cu approval sau nu ;D
  7. Ce mai zici Raule(?)
  8. Rofl. Anyway check 'skill_trees' from database.
  9. Raule are programul mosilor :)).
  10. Vara la orice ora ma culcam 3-4-5 dimineata, cand ma trezeam la 3-4-5 dupamiaza, ma simpteam AWESOME pana a doua zi. Eu trebuie sa dorm 12 ore nu 8 ;D.
  11. Ma trezesc numai la 12, si vreau sa ma trezesc la 3-4 =), ca sa fiu odihnit ultimele zile inainte de Sensation.
  12. Am pus si eu o sig mai veche ;D
  13. Sa-si vanda scuterul pe un microfon. O arzi cu semnaturi vechi O_o.
  15. Am luat niste bilete pentru la Sensation, si nu zice daca cererea a fost facuta cu succes sau esuata. Trebuie sa-i sun maine si sa vad ce si cum.
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