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Everything posted by Trance

  1. w8ing in vain
  2. Parazitii-Parol (Fans Video) :-beep- yeah: :-beep- yeah: :-beep- yeah:
  3. or dll mh X_o
  4. close enough, but
  5. latest http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html
  6. marfa
  7. :forever alone like a boss:
  8. Nu folosesc mozilla >.<
  9. Ce procarie a ajuns RDS-ul! Ieri pe la ora 14:00 sun la RDS ca merge netul super prost de la 10/11 MB s-a dus la 1 MB maxim download, pana ajunge ala la mine.. nici nu se mai conecta la net =)). A schimbat portul sau stiu eu ce dupa scara, a mers. Azi aceasi poveste =)), sun la ei ca a inceput iara sa faca figuri, si ii zic lu tipa aia la telefon numai ma ametii cu testariile tale, zi lu ala sa vina direct =)). Vine ala azi, si ii zic eu nu cumva e de la placa mea de retea? ca o am pe 1 GB, si poate na.. nu suporta. Nu, nu, vorbeste ala la telefon, da aia de la RDs reset la port, si cica pai da, de acum s-o tii pe auto sau 100 MBPS half, oh really? Adica eu daca bag placa de retea pe 1 GB, le cade un anumit port, si ii las pe multi fara net.
  10. they can't do the same thing over and over again... seriously now, think about it -- it's like spiderman, 'the amazing spiderman' has the same story, just different actors, and guess what, it's a shit.
  11. Este cineva la RDS si are placa de retea pe 1 GBPS?
  12. I know that feeling.
  13. I like it :3
  14. How can you be that fake? :you serious?: Change your tag or else I'm gonna report you.
  15. in pula :troll:
  16. L2OFF? It says "AUTO ACCOUNT REGISTER" kkthxbb :troll:
  17. You're m4s4cru or one of his friends, so gtfo. P.S. You need to learn english. :troll:
  18. Trance

    nob snoopi

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