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Everything posted by YurneroRF

  1. Great features looking forward for it . GL
  2. played on January for 2-3 weeks and was really great looking forward to see the new server. any info about the merge?
  3. Dear friends, a lot of time has passed since our last discovery of x300, and we are ready to present you an updated server - x300. We put a lot of time and effort into this server. We are returning the old x300, but with new chips, pvp events and a concept. Website: https://thebattle.club/ Main rates server Server Chronicles: High Five Part 5 Game client for playing: High Five Part 5 Patch features (recommended to read) Free bonuses per time in game! EXP/SP - x300; ADENA - x175; DROP - x20; SPOIL - x15; QUEST - x5; RAID/EPIC - x1; EPAULETTE - x24 Gameplay All new characters appear at level 20 in Dion, with further development assistance. Buff duration - 1 hour, the buffer is free up to level 80. 30 (+4) buff-slots, and 12 for songs and dances. Professions are free, the profession can be obtained in 3 clicks on our Community board. You can write chat in Shout / Trade from the 60th level, the restriction is set so that you do not clog the chat with spam. The maximum level of the sub class is 85. Trade zone Giran Castle Town On the server there are champions (red x15 and blue x7), up to level 80 inclusive, without ATT drop. Hellbound - the island is open from the start of the server. The level is the maximum. Mana potion restore 1500 MP Coldown for 10 seconds. Advanced inventory - up to 250 slots Restriction in sessions on the server from one HWID - no Autoloot is installed on the server, you can also turn off receiving loot using .CFG All skills are learned automatically, you do not need books. It is enough to get only the character level. Drop attribute only from this location Dragon Valley/Hellbound/LOA/SOA Drop 1-2 stone - chance drop 10% Drop 1 crystal - chance 2% Change reward per 7 Raid Bosses When quest done, you can get - SA 16/17/18 level! Chance on SA: 16SA - 85% 17SA - 12% 18SA - 3% Clan reputation is obtained only from epics, sieges, heroism, killings of new RBs in connection with the action "The strongest server clans" Also, if the TOP 3 clans are announced upon entering the game Reward for TOP 3 PvP - lasting in the top 3 days you will receive a reward 3 days heroism 500 Battle Coin (CoL) 300 Battle Coin (CoL) Also, everyone around you will know about your strength in PvP, at the entrance there is an announcement in the game! 14 new Raid Bosses are added on the server. Все новые Raid Boss будут отмечены на карте что бы вы легко могли их найти. Так же к ним добавлен анонс о появлении и окно телепортации по близосте появление Raid Boss Respawn Raid Boss will be 12 hours (not tied to the evening respawn) - Drop boss raid can be viewed through "shift click" Party Matching - quick search for the right group for going to the instance, RB, farm and other events! You can call the initial window with the .lfg command or the button "search for group" if you do not see the button "search for group" use the key combination "alt + L" After entering the message which party you want to collect, this message is sent to the server’s game chat, and the group collector window opens for you. If this group suits you, you click on the "?" and you get applicants for an invitation to a group By clicking on the nickname you can see the whole equip that is dressed on the character, including sharpening and att. - This view is only available if you have a PA! Invite - invites the seeker to the party. Adds it immediately to the party, without waiting for a response to the request. Comands for server chat: .cfg - Various personal settings .epic - Displays rep epic bosses .leave - allows you to leave the event, if possible. .buffer - Buff Scheme Name - A quick way to buff your character without opening the buffer! .whoiam - Additional information about your character .recall - Summon all clan members to the leader. The cost is 20kk adena. Rollback 5 minutes. .repair - If your character can not enter the game (crashed, or loads only before the splash screen), use this command with another character from the same account. It will send your character to the nearest city, and will move things to the warehouse .autocp - Automatic use of CP / HP / MP potion. .ping - You can see this ping to the server. .relog - Safe re-login. .ipro - Turns on a protection from items scam when you pass a character to a party or clan. .unipro - Turns off a protection from items scam. .norecall - Turns off the ability to summon and then items scam after killing the boss. .lfg - Fast searh party for Raid Boss/instance/etc Events Auto GvG (from 2 people) This automatic GvG gives not only the opportunity to "fight for respect", but also empty the pockets of the enemy group. The minimum bet on the battle 500kk or 200 Battle Coin, after submitting the application can take any party server.The fight takes place in the instance zone. Team vs Team Classic Team vs Team event in which players get divided into 2 teams. Each task has more PvP frags which gives a team more points. The event will take 8 minutes. The winning team gets Silver Shilien or Battle Coin. Award is given to only 1 player by HWID / IP check After respawn, the player has 8 seconds of full invulnerability Korean random Korean Style is a Team Event. All you need to do is defeat enemy Team in 1vs1/2vs2/3vs3 Fights. Prove you are the best and kill the enemy in a fair battle! Fight Club You bet on the event, then if someone is ready to fight with you for this bet, he also contributes an identical amount of Battle Coin and can fight with you if he defeats your Battle Coin gives the opponent, if you win, then the coin gives the opponent You! Last Survivor The essence of the event is to survive in the arena. The survivor receives the Battle Coin award. Capture the flag Classic Capture The Flag event where players get divided into 2 teams. The task of each team is to collect as more frags and points as possible. The event will take 10 minutes. For the victory players will receive Silver Shilien or Battle Coin. PvP tournament 1x1 You register for the event in Alt + B, it sends you to the Colosseum, where you fight 1x1 with the opponent, the one who won moves into a new circle, the loser flies to the city. The winning player gets the title of the best duelist and is awarded a unique accessory that is not available for sale. GvE (Good vs Evil) Players are divided into 2 teams Good and Evil. You get a reward by killing opponents and captures block posts Olympiad Olympiad Details The duration of the Olympiad is 10 days. The start of the Olympics on January 20. Maximum sharpening at the Olympics: weapons +10, armor and jewelry +8 Sharpening on Olympus drops to +10 weapons, + 8 armor 130 fights per week, 60 for class 60 extra-class, 10 3x3 fights. The end of the period of the Olympiad on January 30, the issuance of heroism on January 31. Enchants and attribute Maximum enchant and chance of enchant Weapon - Maximum enchant +16 Chance: 100,100,100,73,69,63,63,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,53 Armor - Maximum enchant+16 Chance: 100,100,100,73,69,63,63,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,53 Jewles- Maximum enchant+16 Chance: 100,100,100,73,69,63,63,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,53 Chance insert attribute Weapon - 60% Armor- 60% Class Changes Balance changes Information will be after MBT Class abilities work Cancel - removes 3-5 buffs Crusher - removes 3-5 buffs Steal Divinity - removes 1-6 buffs Хиро пика - removes 1-2 buffs Clans and Alliance Clans and Alliance 8 clan level at creation The number of clans in the alliance - no Clan exit penalty is 10 minutes Limit people in the clan - 30 people (3 packs + spare 3 players) Fort Siege Information The time from registration to the siege is 1 hour. Registration fee - 250 000 Adena (withdrawn from only 1 clan in the list) Rollback for re-registration - 4 hours from the date of the end of the previous siege. Castle Siege Information The first siege will be held on January 26, the first TW will be held on February 1 The siege starts at 14:00 cet time. and 18:00 cet time Active castles for siege: Aden Castle, Goddard Castle, Dion Castle Epic Bosses Epic bosses - respawn Ant Queen – Period: 1 day, Time: from 20:00 to 21:00 (Lvl 85). Orfen – Period: 2 days, Time: from 20:00 tо 21:00 (Lvl 85). Core – Period: 2 days, Time: from 20:00 tо 21:00 (Lvl 85). Baium -Period: 4 days, Time: from 20:00 tо 23:00. Beleth - Period: 5 days, Time: from 20:00 tо 23:00. Antharas – Period: 6 days, Time: from 20:00 tо 23:00. Valakas – Period: 7 days, Time: from 20:00 tо 23:00. Improved such epic jewelry as Core and Orfen Ring of Core - MP +9, Magical attack and Physical attack + 7%, Damage taken -2%. When wearing two such rings, the effect is not summarized. You can enchant. Ring of Core (2 level) - MP +15, Magical attack and Physical attack + 12%, Damage taken -4%. When wearing two such rings, the effect is not summarized. You can enchant. Ring of Core (3 level) - MP +21, Magical attack and Physical attack + 16%, Damage taken -6%. Gives the ability to use a special skill to cancel debuffing skills. When you put two such rings, the effect is not summarized. You can enchant. 3 lvl core cleans every 30 minutes (self cleans) the skill looks like a ring, can be used on the Olympiad. Earring of Orfen - MP +19, resistance to mental attacks of 10%, resistance to hold and stun 20%, healing effectiveness + 2%, Magical protection + 3% Physical protection + 3%. When you put two identical earrings, the effect is not summarized. You can enchant. Earring of Orfen (2 level) - MP +29, resistance to mental attacks 20%, resistance to hold and stun 20, healing effectiveness + 4%, Magical protection + 5% Physical protection + 5%. When wearing two identical earrings, the effect is not added summarized. You can enchant. Earring of Orfen (3 level) - MP +38, resistance to mental attacks 30%, resistance to hold and stun 25, healing done + 6%, Magical protection + 7% Physical protection + 7%. When wearing two identical earrings, the effect is not added summarized. You can enchant. Instance zone Night time Zaken: party min="36" max="450" level min="1" max="85" Day time Zaken: party min="9" max="27" level min="1" max="85" Day time blessed Zaken: party min="9" max="27" level min="80" max="85" Frintezza: party min="11" max="45" level min="80" max="85" Freya: party min="11" max="45" level min="82" max="85" Description of Services Features of the PA The premium account is calculated as the arithmetic average of the group. If one person with PA, the second without, then everyone will get + 15% experience (instead of 30% given by the Premium account) + 10% Chance of successful crafting (If you or the crafter have a PA - your chance to craft increases by 10%, if both participants have a PA, the bonus will still remain equal to 10%). + 1% Chance of crafting a rare item (standard 3%, PA owners 4%). + 3% Chance of successful improvement of armor / weapon / costume jewelry. The cost of PA (premium account) 40% Price services: 1 Day - 45 Battle Coin 3 days - 80 Battle Coin 7 days - 150 Battle Coin Premium Account Bonuses: 30% EXP / 30% SP / 30% Adena / 30% Drop / 30% Spoil / 20% Epaulettes / 30% Weight Limit The cost of PA (premium account) 60% Price services 14 days - 299 Battle Coin 28 days - 400 Battle Coin Бонусы премиум-аккаунта: 60% EXP/60% SP/60% Adena/50% Drop50% Spoil/35% Epaulettes/35% Club card New color char via ^ Free color name and change name 3% to chance enchant server rate increased on 7% Price card 159 Battle Coin Change color name You can change color name Price service 100 Battle Coin Change title color You can change color title Price service 100 Battle Coin You can change sex on your character Price service 100 Battle Coin You can change chanracter name Price service 100 Battle Coin Insert costume in armor Price service 20 000 000 Adena Price costume 300 Battle Coin Change clan name Price costume 1000 Battle Coin
  4. Good luck with the project ill give it a try for sure
  5. do you even know that Brazon is in L2Tales team ? the one who was doing the most corrupted stuff in all sorin servers is in the same server u are cheering on?
  6. First Post updated!
  7. Grand opening х100 PvP 13 December at 19:00 (GTM+2)! Open beta test will be from 10 December Closing the test server 13 December Website: https://thebattle.club/ Forum: https://forum.thebattle.club/index.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBattleClub2 Discord: https://discord.gg/h4edrM4 What is TheBattle.Club? Starting online 1500+ unique players, and in the winter over 1500 players! Good protection against bots and other various software! Those who entered the server with the bot, a group of bot hunters will identify them within 30 minutes! We have our own custom patch, which has it all. From fast delete items, to auto-search Skill with Life Stone, auto-enchant (with safe enchant). You no longer need to buy patches or looking in Google so that you can play comfortably in 2019!! We save your time! We first the server which has online support 24/7 - all the time, not only a few hours after start! Online chat is for players in control panel! We have more events on the server - it will not let you get bored We are always updating content on the server! Guarantee protection from Ddos attack ! With 2016 year we were attacked more than once, but they couldn’t do any demage! We also appreciate your time and the fact that you have chosen our server! Therefore, during the time you receive various bonuses automatically! We have a large advertising budget Organization question on started: Olympiad ends - 23 december, giving first heroes - 24 December. First siege - 22 December at 14:00 and 18:00 CET time First Territory Wars - 27 December at 18:00 Schedule first epic boss can seen in game. Comand in chat .epic Few screenshots and video from previous!
  8. We worked hard on our project Epidos, to become be the best Low-Rate Server with NPC BUFFER ! Don´t be afraid to invest your time to playing on our server as well will be online and thriving strong for very long time ! We invested our love and passion for lineage into this project to provide to you with perfect server, that is L2 Epidos Server ! Enjoy playing on L2Epidos free to play server and let us know, if you have any suggestions Why our project? Stable server. Active support. Unique new events and features. Special anti-bot protection. Anti-ddos protection. More? Join our server and you will see the difference!!!! Grand Opening: July - 05- 2019 Site: https://l2epidos.com Community: https://l2epidos.com/forum/index.php Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/L2Epidos-481876212315915/ Note: Beta server is online for everyone to test our server and features Download System General rates and features High Five part 5 EXP x5 SP x5 Adena x10 Drop x5 Spoil x5 RateRaidBoss x3 GroupDropItems x2 DropEpolets x5 QuestsDrop x1 QuestsRewardSp x2 QuestsRewardExp x2 Olympiad safe: +6. Sub-Class Max Level 80 Champions System Wedding System Damage Screen BUFFS Bufftime: 120mins Max Buff: 20 + 4 Dances/Songs: 12 ENCHANTS Max Enchant: +20 Safe Enchant: +4 Normal Scroll: 56% Chance Blessed Scroll: 56% Chance ATTRIBUTES Attribute Stone: 30% Chance Attribute Crystal: 25% Chance OLYMPIAD Olympiad system chose every two weeks, on the 1st and 15th of every month. Olympiad Arenas have HWID Protections to avoid players that play on same IP Adress. RAIDBOSS INFO AQ Resp: 24 Hours +/- 6 Hours Antharas Resp: 10 Days +/- 8 Hours Valakas Resp: 10 Days +/- 8 Hours Baium Resp: 5 Days +/- 8 Hours Beleth Resp: 20 Hours +/- 2 Hours Epidos Resp: 20 Hours +/- 2 Hours Sailren Resp: 24 Hours +/- 12 Hours INSTANCES INFO Request for Normal Freya = 9 Players Request for Hard Freya = 9 Players Request for Frintezza = 9 Players Request for Zaken 83 Day = 9 Players Request for Zaken 60 Day = 9 Players Request for Zaken Nightly = 9 Players Request for Tiat / Beleth = 9 Players Description High Five part 5 - 99% full official content - Full implementation of the content Epilogue> Freya> High Five Part 1-5. - Siege of elite clan halls (absolutely accurate as on l2off). - Fully implemented territorial battle (completely without flaws). - The entire chain of epic quests (Epilogue + High Five). - All new quests (Freya, High Five). - All new skills (Freya, High Five). - Item-Mall (100% confirm). - Olympiad (High Five) - 100% implementation. - Kratei Cube. - Handy Blocker. - Auction of things. - Underground Coliseum. - All data (NPC, pets, characters, items, etc.) correspond to the official server. - Seed of Destruction, Seed of Infinity, Seed of Annihilation. - Epic bosses: Beleth, Freya (entire chain of quests, hard step, normal step), Zaken (All species dnenvnoy, night, etc.). - Hellbound fully corresponds to the official server. - All new locations (Watcher of Tomb, Dragon Valley, Lair of Antharas). - Squad-skills clans. - Work items option (Olf's T-Shirt, etc.). - Works Energy Agathion. UNIQUE FASHION Musketeer Uniform Pirate Uniform Dark Kningh Uniform School Uniform Mage Uniform Navy Uniform Christmas Uniform 9x New Cloack´s New Hairs and Face NEW EVENTS Town War Zombie vs Humans PvP for 32 Teams
  9. 4 Days left for the OBT (Beta) Opening. By joining beta you can win Rewards for the Live server. Make sure to check our website for more: https://l2e-global.com/
  10. Dear players! We are glad to announce new GvE server on Glory World [2.8 patch]. During the preparation for the update we aimed on improvements and fixes of already existing systems, which did not work always correctly. Website: https://l2e-global.com Server launch: 7th june 20:00 GMT+3 (Moscow/ Kyiv) OBT start: 27th may 20:00 GMT+3 (Moscow/ Kyiv) We paid special attention to the following systems: We reworked geodata engine and fixed old character movement bugs, some abilities bugs (like shadow step), wrong calculations of the distance to the target (which allowed us to fix the bug when melee skills has long range) Unfortunately, this took a huge time and still requries live tests with online load. For those who do not understand what geo-engine is: this engine responsible for character movement, textures passing, pathfinding (for example when you move on stairs behind the wall) We have decided to add life stones as one of a few systems on this launch. In order to improve gameplay experience and add a new branch of character evolution. Skills you can get from life stones was reworked according to our server balance. We developed faction balancing system which allows players, who change their faction back and forth, do it legal and appropriate. Every N period of time according to a certain formula, part of specific players will receive a notification and they will have an opportunity to join weaker faction for a time (1/3/5 hours). You will receive bonus for your help and after a certain time you will be moved back to your faction. This system most likely won't work for clans (yet), and will work in a test version. We reworked rapidly rotation of locations Now additionally to "Low" restrictions, "Middle" locations have been added, which has 76 level limit and A-grade equipment with maximum enchant +5. In addition to this now there is a limit of players being in one location simultaneously. Depending on location size this number will be either increased or decreased. How is this work: let's say we have 100 players limit. From this 100 players we take percentage of each faction and depending on a result we impose a kind of “filter”. For example: if Fire faction have 55% of players in location, players of Fire faction won't be teleported until the percentage of factions equalizes. Before the start of development we have searched the forum on the subject of old bugs and errors reports. We gathered about 100+ tasks, which we are trying to do as good as possible. A detailed list will be posted in patch notes but I will give a few examples so that you would understand what it is about: Shadow Step ability - could not be used on a characters with height difference; You could use melee skills on a long range; Sending and receiving mail is now available worldwide; Forts siege bug when enemies was not moved out the fort after siege end, as well as bugs with castle sieges teleportation.; Melee attack bug when you couldn't attack other character having less move speed.; And a lot more. We've done work on ingame economics based on previous launches statistics. Revised a variety of prices for items, drop chances, obtaining methods and a lot more. All these manipulations are designed to strengthen the economy and add more interest to game market, and also extend server lifetime. This will be first launch at which we are going to work with least played and weak classes. We began to improve some weak classes by changing skill set. This process won't be fast, because every single change can do huge influence and create new "imba". The list of skill changes will be available closer to server launch. In addition to this we have done a huge work. Patch notes for Glory World 2.8 will be published few days before server launch. Useful information: Registration Launcher download Attention! We have updated launcher which is used to enter the game. You need to download game client with launcher or update our old client with it.
  12. Grand Opening - May 5 - 20:00 +2 GMT Website: http://l2neverland.com
  13. Good guy , good service working with him on L2Saga!
  14. Grand Opening: 05 April 2019, 20:00 (gtm +2) OBT: Online Website: https://l2e-global.com/
  15. Grand Opening: 05 April 2019, 20:00 (gtm +2) OBT: Online Website: https://l2e-global.com/ Interlude Final x7 can be described in three main points: The total number of changes and improvements that have been developed and integrated into the game over the past year. Their goal is to make your game more comfortable, interesting, varied and return the long lost balance of good old chronicles. In order to get acquainted with the main changes, we recommend you to learn this topic: Interlude Final Update Chronology (topic coming soon). But they will all be intuitive during the game. The so-called signature of the project, its unique features that personalize and set E-Global apart from others, regardless of which version of the game and on which rating we launch. Namely: Achievements, Daily Quests, Clan Unity, Cronus Raid Boss, NPC Adventurers' Guide and Butler, a proxy server access system that allows players from China to play on the server, and even the general “breach of good manners" - everything goes from server to server, improving and adapting to the realities of the concept and your expectations. The concept of a specific server: its rates and features; its uniqueness and originality. In this topic, we announce the server concept and describe the components of Interlude Final which you should pay attention to, in order to fully touch this game world. Rates: Basic rates: EXP & SP x7, Raid EXP & SP x5 Exp & SP depends on monster level, which you farm: From 1 to 65 level of monster - static x7 rate; Starting from 66 to 78 level of monster - from x7 to x5 gradually; Monsters from level 78 have fixed rate x4 Premium Account provides +30% personal EXP bonus and 50% SP bonus. Basic rate: Adena x5 Basic rate: Seal Stones x3 Chance Adena and Seal Stones - basic, 70%; Amount of Seal Stones - х3, fixed, doesn't depend on monster level; Amount of Adena depends on monster level: From 1 to 60 level - fixed rate х5; From 61 to 77 level - from х5 to х3 gradually; Starting from 78 level of monster - fixed rate x3. Premium Account provide +25% to amount of Adena and Seal Stones. Basic rates: Drop x4, Raid Drop x3, Epic Drop x1 Amount of item drop is basic, x1; Chance of items drop is depending on level of the monster, overrun the 100% will cause to increasing of items amount; From 1 to 60 level - fixed rate х5; From 61 to 77 level - from х5 to х3 gradually; Starting from 78 level of the monster - fixed rate х3. Premium Account provide +25% to drop rate. Basic rates: Spoil x3 Amount of received items is basic, x1; Chance of items receiving x3, overrun the 100% will cause to increasing of items amount; Premium Account provide +25% to the chance of receiving items (to character, who have spoiled => gather spoile). Basic rates: Manor - x1 Cooldown of the daily Manor cycle: ~20:06 (gmt+2) We remind you that the Manor system dependents directly on the Siege, respectively, the first seeds will be available on Monday, April 22 (if the owners of the castles put the seeds for sale). NPC Family Club Manager (improved analogue of Newbie Helper) can be found Near Gatekeeper at every town, as well as at places where a lot of players are getting together. These are NPCs from which you can take Support Magic, Daily tasks and rewards for them, as well in the future they will be responsible for holding weekly Events and issuing Prizes. Support Magic , Club Card: Adventurers' Guide provides additional improving magic for your character and his pet / samona: The list of available Buffs and their levels depend on the level of the Character and the presence of a Club Card. Duration of all buffs - 60 min: Buff are being removed if a character didn't have Noblesse Blessing at the time of death; Can be canceled along with other similar improving skills; Are being removed using Alt-click on them. You can create buff profiles. Buffer is available for all players level 1-62, with a Club Card a player can get buffs up to level 80. More detailed list of available buffs will be announced a bit later, however you can say for sure: there will be no 3rd class skills, songs and dances. Daily Quests: We have prepared personal daily quests, which will provide some useful bonuses for your character. Important information: You can start quest at NPC "Pathfinder Worker" which you can find at: Gludio, Dion, Heine, Oren, Schuttgart, Rune; You can start a quest 1 time a day; Quest cooldown: 6:30 server time; Some reward has a time limit as well as they are personal (can not be trade). List of the Quests: 1. Challenge the Rim Kamaloka Available only for characters with Premium Account; Type: solo; Goal: Complete solo Kamaloka; Stable reward: Ivory Coin - 50 q-ty. Reward is reliant on rank of completing Kamaloka: Rim Kamaloka Box Grade D (48 hours limited period) - includes Rune 50% of EXP/SP, duration 20 mins; Rim Kamaloka Box Grade C (48 hours limited period) - includes Rune 50% of EXP/SP, duration 30 mins; Rim Kamaloka Box Grade B (48 hours limited period) - includes Rune 50% of EXP/SP, duration 40 mins; Rim Kamaloka Box Grade A (48 hours limited period) - includes Rune 50% of EXP/SP, duration 50 mins; Rim Kamaloka Box Grade S (48 hours limited period) - includes Rune 50% of EXP/SP, duration 60 mins; 2. Challenge the Hall of the Abyss Type: group; Goal: Kill RB in Kamaloka; Quest mechanics: quest will consider as completed once character will make a last hit (if he will be in group - quest will be completed for all group, if he will be solo - only for character that have made a last hit); Reward: Nobless Scroll (48 hours limited period) - You will feel Blessing of Noblesse effect on your after you use this scroll. Duration: 60 mins. All effects (buff\debuff etc) will still affect on your character after it's death. Scroll effect will be removed. Ivory Coin - 35 q-ty. 3. Challenge the Labyrinth of Abyss Type: group; Goal: Kill RB in Kamaloka; Quest mechanics: quest will consider as completed once character will make a last hit (if he will be in group - quest will be completed for all group, if he will be solo - only for character that have made a last hit); Reward: Nobless Scroll (48 hours limited period) - You will feel Blessing of Noblesse effect on your after you use this scroll. Duration: 60 mins. All effects (buff\debuff etc) will still affect on your character after it's death. Scroll effect will be removed. Ivory Coin - 35 q-ty. 4. Successful raid Type: group; Goal: Kill any RB; Raid Boss exeption: Epic Bosses, Instance Bosses, Four Sepulchers and Rift Bosses; Quest mechanics: quest will consider as completed once character will make a last hit (if he will be in group - quest will be completed for all group, if he will be solo - only for character that have made a last hit); Reward: Nobless Scroll (48 hours limited period) - You will feel Blessing of Noblesse effect on your after you use this scroll. Duration: 60 mins. All effects (buff\debuff etc) will still affect on your character after it's death. Scroll effect will be removed. Ivory Coin - 40 q-ty. 5. Fighting Evil Type: Group, party or solo. Goal: Collent 50-250 Shard of Evil from monsters. Amount of items depends on the level of chosen location. Player can choose only one quest per day, depending on your chracters leve\fitable location: 1-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-75, 76-80. Mechanic: For every level there are 2 location for your choice. The list of the monsters is also available at quest description. Rewards: Ivory Coin - from 50 to 200 q-ty. Amount of coins depends on the level of chosen location. Preliminary version. Before and during the OBT the assortment of the shop could be changed. Stay tuned! Family Coin - donation currency, which you can purchase at your Control Panel: 1 Family Coin = 7.5 Rubls; 10 Family Coins = 1 Euro; Family Coins - can be traded, also you can set a private store on buying and selling Family Coins. So as all Shop assortment is available ingame you can get them. Currency of the Family Coins is stick to the currency of rubls to euro. Premium Account: Premium 1 30 days 50 Family Coins (5 euro) Ingame at NPC or at your Control Panel Premium 2 Infinity 130 Family Coins (13 euro) Ingame at NPC or at your Control Panel EXP +30% q-ty Personal, bonus to mobs and RB Exp\SP; SP +50% q-ty Personal, bonus to mobs and RB Exp\SP; Adena & Seal Stones +25% q-ty General, averaged in the group; Drop +25%chance General, averaged in the group; Spoil +25%chance Personal, PA must be on spoiler himself. Box limit up to +4 boxes On the start - 3 boxes. For players that uses PA can load +4 box, but not more then 7 (+1 for each PA box). Off-line traders are NOT counts as a box. Rim Kamaloka Access 1 time per day + access to special quest in this reward. Bonus will applied to all characters on your game account (but not on master account); How to check if you have Permium status or not: system message when you log in to the game will show when PA is going to end. Also you will have the golden frame at your level parametr. Class Transfer: First class 150.000 Adena 6 Family Coins Second class 2.000.000 Adena 30 Family Coins Third class Full quest Not available at the start Reward for 3rd clanss transfer: 5.000.000 Adena, 2 Giant's Codex, 1 Giant's Codex - Mastery and 1 Giant's Codex - Discipline or Giant's Codex - Oblivion. Grand Opening: 05 April 2019, 20:00 (gtm +2) OBT: Online Website: https://l2e-global.com/
  16. Over 700 players joined our Grand opening today. Do not miss it!! Join us now. Site: https://l2epidos.com Community: https://l2epidos.com/forum/index.php Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/L2Epidos-481876212315915/ Move to live servers please!!
  17. Party/Clan/CC PvP Tournament - start every friday at 21:00 PM GMT +2 Briefly about the event: Registration is made by 2-4-16-32 parties and are having random battle between them. Winners continue to the next round and loosers are getting out. And until there's one absolute winner, every winner gets a price. Detailed review: 1. Every party leader can register its party if every creteria is made correct. (everything can be configured). 2. The start of the tournament is like we use to have, everybody is teleported to the jail, players sit, we spawn the NPC manager that maintain the the event. He explains the players the rules and then ask 2 party to join the first fight. 3. Every party is teleported to a new instance when nobody can interfiere them. 4. If everybody is dead from the opposite team or on time lapse there were most players on one team, they conclude to be winners. 5. And every round until winners conclude. Tournament specification: 1. NPC manager is telling the participating what's happening on the arena, who killed who and how. 2. The waiting players can observe the opponents battle with a special NPC 3. There's about 35 locations to battle, from simple death match arena to a labyrinth. 4. Everything is automatic. Grand Opening: March - 01- 2019 Site: https://l2epidos.com Community: https://l2epidos.com/forum/index.php Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/L2Epidos-481876212315915/ Note: Beta server is online for everyone to test our server and features Download System
  18. We worked hard on our project Epidos, to become to be best Mid-Rate Server. Don´t be afraid to invest your time to playing on our server aswell will be online for very long time ! Why our project? Stable server. Active support. Unique new events and features. Special anti-bot protection. Anti-ddos protection. More? Join our server and you will see the difference!!!! Grand Opening: March - 01- 2019 Site: https://l2epidos.com Community: https://l2epidos.com/forum/index.php Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/L2Epidos-481876212315915/ Note: Beta server is online for everyone to test our server and features Download System General rates and features High Five part 5 EXP x20 SP x15 Adena x10 Drop chance x10 Spoil chance x10 RateRaidBoss x3 GroupDropItems x2 DropEpolets x5 QuestsDrop x2 QuestsRewardSp x3 QuestsRewardExp x15 BUFFS Bufftime: 120mins Max Buff: 20 + 4 Dances/Songs: 12 ENCHANTS Max Enchant: +25 Safe Enchant: +4 Normal Scroll: 56% Chance Blessed Scroll: 56% Chance ATTRIBUTES Attribute Stone: 30% Chance Attribute Crystal: 25% Chance OLYMPIAD Olympiad system chose every two weeks, on the 1st and 15th of every month. Olympiad Arenas have HWID Protections to avoid players that play on same IP Adress. RAIDBOSS INFO AQ Resp: 24 Hours +/- 6 Hours Antharas Resp: 10 Days +/- 8 Hours Valakas Resp: 10 Days +/- 8 Hours Baium Resp: 5 Days +/- 8 Hours Beleth Resp: 20 Hours +/- 2 Hours Epidos Resp: 20 Hours +/- 2 Hours Sailren Resp: 24 Hours +/- 12 Hours INSTANCES INFO Request for Normal Freya = 6 Players Request for Hard Freya = 8 Players Request for Frintezza = 8 Players Request for Zaken 83 Day = 6 Players Request for Zaken 60 Day = 6 Players Request for Zaken Nightly = 9 Players Request for Tiat / Beleth = 8 Players Description High Five part 5 - 99% full official content - Full implementation of the content Epilogue> Freya> High Five Part 1-5. - Siege of elite clan halls (absolutely accurate as on l2off). - Fully implemented territorial battle (completely without flaws). - The entire chain of epic quests (Epilogue + High Five). - All new quests (Freya, High Five). - All new skills (Freya, High Five). - Item-Mall (100% confirm). - Olympiad (High Five) - 100% implementation. - Kratei Cube. - Handy Blocker. - Auction of things. - Underground Coliseum. - All data (NPC, pets, characters, items, etc.) correspond to the official server. - Seed of Destruction, Seed of Infinity, Seed of Annihilation. - Epic bosses: Beleth, Freya (entire chain of quests, hard step, normal step), Zaken (All species dnenvnoy, night, etc.). - Hellbound fully corresponds to the official server. - All new locations (Watcher of Tomb, Dragon Valley, Lair of Antharas). - Squad-skills clans. - Work items option (Olf's T-Shirt, etc.). - Works Energy Agathion.
  19. Good server and pretty nice activity on beta Good luck
  20. Great features , great server good luck ill be the for sure!
  21. Well Most online and who was online is different things.
  22. Server online and running pretty nice.
  23. We are happy to announce the opening of the Lineage 2 Infinity (French server) on Friday, June 1, 2018 at 8:00 pm (French time)! In order not to waste time, you can now download the Gracia Final Client in the Join Us section of our website. The L2 Infinity Patch will be available on the opening day of the beta test. SERVER Chronicle: Gracia Final Website: http://www.lineage-infinity.eu/ Forum: http://www.lineage-infinity.eu/forum/index.php Grand opening: 01.05.2018. OBT: ONLINE RATES Rates: XP 10x / SP 10x Adena: 10x Spoil Rate: 12x Drops: 5x Quest Drop / Adena: 3x (variable case by case depending on the quest) Quest Ally Ketra (only) with the choice of the main score GENERAL FEATURES (Poll on forum) No GMShop Mammon Retail Nobless paid in Adenas, by voting or by doing the quest Perfect Geodata Safe enchant +3 .offlineshop Chan shout (orange) global, Chan trade (rose) regional Scalable server Phase 1: Gracia Final - Blocking of Hellbound and Elements Stones Phase 2: Gracia Final - Opening of Hellbound and Elements Stones Phase 3: Gracia Epilogue OTHER Queen Ant & Zaken Lvl 80 Spoil blue Added skill "Mass Sweep" Castle Siege every week Castle Siege in Giran (adjustable according to the population) Manor disabled Hero rotations every week Olympics only on weekends We thank you for the trust you place in us and wish you all the best on Lineage 2 Infinity.
  24. Your experience in L2 looks like u just started playing this game. I'm testing beta since 3 days and i dont see any kind of bug. PA even on larger servers like RPG-CLUB give spoil and drop bonus so whats the problem here? This game has been P2W and it will allways be like that. So stop cry without reasson
  25. When beta?
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