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Everything posted by SevenSeas

  1. ye i barely post '-.- Blame apithanos for this!
  2. http://www.minedu.gov.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1477%3A04-10-10--------&catid=80%3Adeltia-typou&Itemid=806&lang=el
  3. Se TvT oi perissoteroi xrhsimopoioun to Coliseum.Epishs ena kalo meros einai to bandit stronghold , einai poly megalo meros kai kalo gia TvT. Kala merh gia PvP ennoeis PvP areas?Oi perissoteroi protimoun to Primeval Isle giati einai anoixto meros kai kalo gia ola ta class.Auto 8a sou protina kai egw.
  4. Power doesn't consume itself.Power consumes the host.The hosts mind to be exact and sometimes the soul.Control comes from an open mind , not a cloudy one.
  5. Analoga ti name 8a m r8ei ekeinh tin wra.Oxi gia to ti exw ore3h '-.-
  6. na s ta3ei o aderfos s or o pateras s 50euro an dn pai3eis mia vdomada.Afou plhrw8eis kai exeis ante3ei mia vdomada xwris L2 dn 8a nai toso duskolo xD . (egw emeina mia vdomada xwris pc , oute net)
  7. Power corrupts.Knowledge is power , study hard be evil. :O btw aurio lene gia mazikes katalhpseis.Posoi apo dw t xoun kanonismeno?
  8. =(Analogws ti 8a mou r8ei keinh tn wra)= or [GM](Analogws ti 8a mou r8ei keinh tn wra)
  9. This works on every skill that can be enchanted.I've tried this in many servers.This works only for epilogue.Its like this : Use UE Use UE +1 Use UE +2 if you fail enchanting it you'll have to enchant it again to a level that you havent used.
  10. Atoma pou exoun 3exasei to chat sto +trade kai grafoun kai to vlepei olos o server. Epishs atoma p usaroun macro typou "Go to village %target axxaxaxaxaxaxa"
  11. Synfwnw einai poly leptomereis guide. Thanks for makin' it!
  12. There are people who sell votes.They have their way to do it. Check here for example : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174709.0 this guy is selling votes
  13. me liga logia to donate einai xasimo xrhmatwn.8a dwseis 200 euro se pixel?Dwse 20 , dwse 30.Alla 200 para paei poly.
  14. Welcome.Read the forum rules 'n' enjoy your stay!
  15. Great share CE!I really like the freya version of vesper. Downloading..
  16. The flu shot triggered something.Something that gets triggered once in a million times -.-' .And now that womans life has changed completely.She can still run though.
  17. Because Newbies Create Their Own HomeMade Server - True Because -BALANCED- donations dont exist - True Because They Care Only About Money - True Because The Hosters,Gms,Admins Are Selfish Or Corrupted - True Because Of The Custom=Disbalance - True Because Of The Disbalance(Edited Skills.Overpowered Chars) - True Because The Gms,Admins Don't Care About Their Server - True Another Option(Post It) - True (w00t?)
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxDwyHUZiiY
  19. Nai kai egw to exw diavasei auto.Genika exw diavasei kai kommatia ths agias grafhs gia na pernaei h wra kai giati kapoia vgainoun alh8ina. Kai epishs twra ta simferonta mporoume na poume oti oi pefotismenoi kruvontai pisw apo auto!
  20. Ela edw 3erame oti 8a mas valoun chip.Telika mas dwsan mia karta.8a petaxtei kai o antixristos na mas stamparei me to "666" gia na mporoume na agorasoume kati sto telos. '-.-
  21. Ghost hunter: F1:deadly blow F2:bluff F3:Shadow Step F4:Lethal F5:Backstab F6:Ultimate Evasion F7:B.soe (oti exoume) F8:B.soe (edw vazw Quick Healing Pot an exw) F9:Attack F10:Mp Pot F11:Healing Pot F12:CP pot (macro) hex,counter attack , power break , critical wound , blinding blow , etc vriskontai stn 2h/3h mpara (mouse click ftw!) (Saggi : F1: Attack F2:CP pot F3:B.soe F4:Stun F5:UE best bar ever)
  22. 1/2 mexri stigmhs.Einai pws skeftetai kai o ka8enas.
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