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Everything posted by Napster321

  1. what about accepting all kind of replies? oh nonono you are not that mature yet.
  2. you streamed some games of hs and you started imaginating l2 card games, wake up
  3. sas exei gamisei sto troll rep that guy
  4. No. they released that hs (wow card game) really stupid idea, if you like wow go play wow - if you like l2 go play l2 - if you like yu-gi-oh go play yu-gi-oh simple things!
  5. Napster321


  6. +limit of vote per char per hours +vote rewards untreable
  7. pisteuete oti "koroideuete" ton server la8os anti8etos anevazete sta top twn votesites axristous servers.
  8. Hello Im Here and i can sell the bellow C6-Gracia Final-Epilogue-Freya-H5 Packs Any Kind Event Engines Code Services Balanced Interlude Files (Skills - Items - Formulas) for PvP Servers and Low Rate Balanced Gracia Final Files (Skills - Items - Formulas) for PvP Servers and Low Rate And many more 2 Packs that i already sell Skype Contact : Napster321
  9. drop me a pm on skype , i own all sellable projects skype desen.lacoka
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