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Everything posted by Cherub

  1. Okay... I will pray for you though I know you will always sin... Everytime in my prayers I say "Please Lord help people follow the right path". This includes you too.
  2. Yes thats so important question because Albanian is a really important language. Sorry couldnt resist saying it. You can dekarma me if you want... But please dont ban me as long as I cannot register. Besides... Would you ban a Cherub?
  3. Please say something more interesting...
  4. Ha ha really funny. I didnt say... 'Say "Something"' I said 'Say something'. Its not the same.
  5. Aaaaaaahhhhhh... I'm officially bored. SAY SOMETHING!
  6. Lol Lineage with keyboard arrows. Didnt expect to see something like that.
  7. Why did you say this Chandy? Would you ban a Cherub? Would you?
  8. Why did you say this? Normally nobody in here should have something with me because they shouldnt care about what I say as long as its not against them. Its just that some people want to play adversaries for no reason.
  9. As far as I know "you have balls" means "you have guts". Did you say this to me? I mean people always flame me and you are telling me I have "balls"?
  10. Dont ban me. I wont be able to register again...
  11. Are you talking about me? Because I was had a week to visit the spam section.
  12. What do you want me to say? I just made a funny comment about emos and he said Racism is a fashion. What did you expect me to do?
  13. Continue what? I didnt flame anyone neither I made a racist comment. I just said the truth which is that racists can be found only in Racist / Nazi communities. Antiracists and anarchists can be found everywhere so Anarchism and antiracism are a fashion not racism.
  14. Antiracism and Anarchy is a fashion you fool... not racism.
  15. Ahhh wait... I have a good argument to prove Im not emo... Have you ever seen a racist emo?
  16. Its simple. Im not emo... Why? Because I hate gays and dont want peace! This does not look like Cherub to me...
  17. Ha ha ha... So funny. Thats gothic not emo noob!
  18. Im not emo... - Emos dont listen to heavy metal and death metal. They listen to deathcore, screamo and other shits like these. - Emos want peace in the world and they facking cry because there is no peace. I dont... And many more...
  19. Thats stupid. Why remove walls? It doesnt look so real...
  20. No you look like a stupid guy. Everybody calls you emo not me... I just said that I like Mankind nothing more. I never pretended anything. I dont need special treatment by anyone so I dont have to pretend like a hypocrite.
  21. No you are emo. And emos make people laugh because they look stupid. I make people laugh just because I speak a little different and say different things than hypocrites do.
  22. No I said that many people think I say stupid things because in fact many people are stupid. Also people make fun of my accent in real life thats why I really hate to make people laugh willingfully or not.
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