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Everything posted by Cherub

  1. Yes I believe everything I say in here but sometimes I say it louder than I would in real life just to make people look at me because I am bored... But this doesnt mean I dont believe it. What do you mean "do shits". I didnt flame maxcheaters. I never said I dont need maxcheaters help for a server. I never said I dont need maxcheaters exploits. I just said that I dont agree with most members ideas. So you want to ban me because you know that I disagree with you... Thats too fair.
  2. Why? Just because of some comments? Besides I didnt flame any race. I just said the truth, that you are not a nigger and real Greeks and people from Netherlands are not niggers. Thats not Racism, its the truth. Why ban me for that? And what do you mean "wannabes". What do I want to be? Do you have facts that can prove that I am not what I show in the forum? Why did you call me a "wannabe"? Why so much disrespect for the Cherub? I have my ideas and you have yours...
  3. Global Moderators are MODERATORS not emperors to do whatever they want just because they got pissed of.
  4. So you just give a warning and then BOOM ban? Thats unfair!
  5. Why not -1? Ban is after -4 karma. I didnt do something that bad.
  6. Chandy... You wouldnt ban a Cherub. Would you... would you? Besides I still have 0 karma so I should be dekarmed not banned if I do something against the rules.
  7. They call themeselves "niggas" so I call them niggers just to separate myself from them. Only outsiders. Normally these countries belong to the white race... Like it or not!
  8. I know he wants to be a nigger just like you but he is not since he is from Greece / Netherlands.
  9. What is your problem? I did not make a comment about your nationality...
  10. Yeah sure just because I said the truth... That I am great.
  11. I am 13 but everybody tells me I am different than other people in my age.
  12. I dont need my parents to tell me. I can see it in the mirror... I am also a Cherub so...
  13. I'm so nice. I am just perfect lol! And... I am also a Cherub!
  14. ExtremeDwarf is not a nigger! (Just because I was bored...)
  15. I'm leaving.. Since its a maxcheaters fashion not to like the Cherub...
  16. Ahh and I forgot you dont like WWE its fake... You want real thing. You know I have real thing too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J86uvsZgnro
  17. What facts? We dont speak about facts. I was just saying what I feel.
  18. Yeah sure classic. This is a fashion! Not Racism!
  19. I want to get serious and respected but I cant because you will still remember my racist comments! And its a Maxcheaters fashion to flame me so every hypocrite in here flames me for no reason. Why not?
  20. What the fack is your problem? I didnt speak to you!
  21. I was banned because I made racist comments about romanians and raule you fool. When I came back I didnt make any racist comments. Im not racist in here anymore because I know I cant change anything. But you dont have to insult me just because of my racist comments back then. You also cant prove that Im e-girl because I never said it with this account. Just forget what I said with the other account. You dont want a Cherub here? ...
  22. What exactly is your problem? You are the most hypocrite in here because you saw all these facking antiracist atheists flaming me and you flame me too but for no reason. So you want a Cherub to leave? :(
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