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Everything posted by Cherub

  1. Yeah sure the biggest ones. The best way to avoid pvp's...
  2. Cherub

    Ancient Greek

    Its obvious you dont know anything about the Bible... maybe you know something about Koran though but its useless for me. So... Just to know the Book of Revelation was first written in Greek and it was written by Jesus' favorite student, John in an island of Greece named Pathmos. Also the first translation of the Bible was in Greek though it was first written in Hebrew. The bad thing is that i dont know anything about Hebrew and its not considered a wise and good language like Ancient Greek. So... since I know some Ancient Greek I just want a translator now.
  3. lol i was 10 years old back then. i didnt know many things...
  4. Cherub

    Ancient Greek

    well i dont think i have time to do that but i really want to read the Bible in Greek. i already have the Book of Revelation in Greek and i just need a translator because i dont understand many things in it.
  5. the first GvE server was called "Good vs Evil" and i think it was like that. Anyway this event is like that or its just a tvt with renamed teams from "team1" and "team2" to "good" and "evil"?
  6. Hello. Here I want you to write your 3 favorite farming areas for my server. I want to know what people like the most. Note that they shouldnt be too big because players would be lost inside them. For example I suggest you not to write Cave of Trials or Monastery of Silence because they are too big. Here is an example of what size I want the farming areas to have: - GoE Chrystal Down Room [Mask suggested it in another topic and I think its good] - Forbidden Gateway [For small farming since it's a little small zone] - Antharas Nest [For big farming since it's a big zone] Primeval Island is also good but it's easy to get lost in it since it has too many ways to go. But it would be a good choice when a server reaches many players online (100 for example). Waiting for your suggestions.
  7. Whats the difference between this and Vago's pvp color system?
  8. Is it about races? I mean it's orcs / dark elves vs humans / elves / dwarves? because thats what 'Good vs Evil' was supposed to mean at the beginning (as far as i know).
  9. It's good but I think L2JServer has it already. I remember even C5 servers had this feature.
  10. not so good. i dont like it its like modified draconic though its from vesper.
  11. Cherub

    Ancient Greek

    lol thats strange... ancient Greek language was like English language is now back then. It was considered the most wise language thats why the Bible was first translated in Ancient Greek. Thats why i need the translator... because i know that there are some mistakes in the English translation of the Bible and since i speak a little Ancient and Modern Greek i want to read the Bible in Ancient Greek too but i need a translator...
  12. Cherub

    Ancient Greek

    i have this but its not good. it doesnt have all words and everytime you insert a word it doesnt have it says "you must have the premium edition".
  13. Hello guys... i am searching for a good translator from Modern English to Ancient Greek and from Ancient Greek to Modern English. i searched in google but i couldnt find something for free. does anyone know a good translator? thank you...
  14. Well actually there are some stupid Greeks... every country has some stupid people we cant avoid this. In this topic i see only one stupid Greek though...
  15. Right!!! only black people are smart...
  16. Old member? with Assassina's account i was registed in 2008 in here so in fact maybe i am a member here more time than he is...
  17. You are not racist because you called me a racist for the "white power" i said. you are a racist because you are against Greek people though you think you have reasons to do so. And racist is not synonym with retard...
  18. Nop you are the retard one who cannot understand. you know it is proven that retards try to call other people retards just because they have a problem with this word for they know it actually fits to them.
  19. You are still a racist. with or without reasons to do so... you are still a racist.
  20. Why do you care if i will leave or not? if you dont like my posts just dont read them.
  21. Lol!!! who the fack is the racist now?
  22. Im from Scotland but there is no flag for Scotland here.
  23. How is it that you Intrepid understand everything and we understand nothing? Racism is flaming or hating someone just because of their race / nationality. so flaming Greeks is supposed to be considered as racism but i guess moderators have a reason that they dont punish you for that. btw the white people are a race... which is called caucasian.
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