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Everything posted by PrimaryT

  1. opening tomorrow 20:00 gmt+1
  2. So the voting system is not gonna be global? i had always problem with voting on hopzone...
  3. lol'd
  4. Good luck for tomorrow! I hope you can fix the issue. I will be here.
  5. "Classes is hardly balanced " what?!
  6. It was good, but the admin has managed to fck it up. he made 1 day reroll (ppl lost their chars, items, augments, pvp coins), set bonus is not working on custom set anymore. So i'm out.
  7. Server is kinda good, just need more ppl. so JOIN!
  8. http://l2xerus.com/ Server Rates XP: x5000 SP: x5000 Party XP and SP: x2 Adena Drop rate: x1 Drop Items rate: x1 Enchant Rates Enchant Max: +15 Enchant Safe: +5 Normal Enchant Scroll Rates: 75% Bessed Enchant Scroll Rates: 85% Enchant Npc: 100% Basic things No Custom Items. Full working skills. Working Fortress, Clan Hall and Castle siege. 100% Balanced classes. Augmentation full working(active+passive+chance). Subclass without quest. Auto Learn Skills. Full Working Wedings. Geodata, fully working. Champion system. Additional info Safe Farm Zone and PvP Zones. Npc buffer (10h buff time) 100 Buff slots. Class Master. Village Master. Clan Manager. Max Subclasses: 5 Top Life Stone Chance: 25% Noblesse Npc. Grand Olympiad Olympiad System: Weekly - Retail Olympiad. Olympiad Heroes: Every Sunday 23:59 Olympiad start 18:00 and end 24:00 Validation period 12h Useful Server commands .menu ? Server Menu. .castlemanager .info .tvt .striderrace_join .striderrace_leave .restart .pmref .tradeprot Server Info Intel�Core i7 2600K 3.40Ghz 16GB RAM�DDR3 RAM 3TB HDD�S-ATA2 7200RPM 1000 mb/1gb��Connection ! Unlimited Traffic Server looks good and stable. JOIN! Ps.: It's not my server.
  9. 26-09-13 is not friday.
  10. 7:00 gmt+2 has passed and server is offline... what's happening?
  11. lol, i always knew that u're a f4gg0t.
  12. what happened? no money and you decided to close the server?! what a surprise... Just a good advice, do not open any server anymore, you are just bad at this.
  13. Keep shouting: Petitions open! DONATE!!! When someone writes a petition, it got rejected always. ofc ppl think you made this server only for money and you know what, i'm starting to believe it too. You don't give a fck about ppl's opinion. You care about money only. cya.
  14. Do not join here!
  15. Corruption will always exist on this kinda free pvp servers and you can't do anything against it. Actually you can..., leave it or deal with it.
  16. Ye but still, there are a lot of ppl online even this time in the morning.
  17. Server has opened already, need to move this topic. There was 700+ online ppl, nice pvps, join!
  18. Need to move this topic. Server has opened already.
  19. If does not exist, someone open 1! :)
  20. "The server start is delayed for tomorrow 15:00 moskow time."
  21. No, it's not.
  22. Sub cannot be leveled up to 80, lol. Need a fix!
  23. "IMPORTANT: The server is still in beta until 6th September, we will not have any wipe after beta because of those PVE priced items. So just join and enjoy. The server will be official opened at 6th September!" So what's with this project?
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