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Everything posted by PrimaryT

  1. Server Opens on 5th February 2011! www.l2Exite.com I'm happy to announce our Server Opening Time! The Exact day is 5/2/2011 at 16:00 GMT +1! The Features List/Information can be found from the "Features" Tab of our Site! If you are looking for a good L2 OFF, mid rate server, then JOIN! Let's Roll People!
  3. JOIN PPL!!!! We need more PPL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Server is pretty nice!!
  4. 3-4 weeks and the server will be "dead". Just remember what happened on the survival. Anyway good luck and have fun.
  5. The L2Immunity server has been successfully hacked! Good luck on other server. hahahahaha
  6. How do you have sps sub if your main is pr?
  7. absolutely true... Spike, fix the drop/xp of the custom party zone, fix the spoil rate in EF, fix the reuse time of the skills and u will see, u will get more ppl on ur server... Gl.
  8. Double zerk, double empower, double acumen, double shield, double m.barrier... SERVER ROCKS!!!!!!!
  9. abaut 200-300 i think.
  10. This server is pretty cool, i suggest to join ppl. Go!!
  11. I tried it out ... guyz dont join... this server is a crap, i got 6xbluffs from the daggers, 3k+facestab all the time. n1 u can buff up valor, miracle and hero zerk :DD:D:Ddd this server is a joke.
  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174784.0 Use search before you post!
  13. style="color: green;">Online</span>: 459<br /><div align="center"><span style="color: red;">Rates:</span> <span style="color: green;">x50</span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div> </td> FAIL?
  14. Pm ingame Robert, you forgot to say.
  15. Bump! Also WTS Overenchanted Drac bow. Leave pm.
  16. WTS Zaken earring --> 70 Euros WTS SA crystals --> 7 Euros/each Paypal only. Send me a pm, if you need.
  17. Mimikos is a scammer, don't trade with him/her.
  18. Mimikos is a scammer, don't trade with him/her.
  19. So, i dont wanna make another topic.. I'm also selling stuffs on Survival. (Beas, SA crystals, S weapons) Send me a pm what you need exactly.
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