L2 Renewal is based on the old L2 server. This server is created by the same owner Sawk the actual main dev of server. We fixed the small problems that we had with our old server and will provide the same feature bugless .We wish to provide you the best gameplay possible to enjoy as much as possible. This servers aims to focus on a retail like gameplay without the hardcore grinding part of retail or low rates. It allow casual player to have a great experience as well as hardcore ones.
General Informations :
Full Gracia Final Server - Retail files
Fair donations, no AIO buffers
Exp : 50x
SP : 50x
Adena : 70x
Drop rate : 15x
Spoil rate : 20x
Quest Exp : 10x
Quest Adena : 10x
Fully working Gracia Final skills
Fully retail like skills
Fully working clan system
Fully working Territory war system
Fully working instances system
Debuff bar working.
Cancelonly remove your buffs for 30 seconds and restore it then
Bugless geodata
Active staff & Active community
Global gatekeeper
GMShop and custom farming system
NPC buffers with all the buffs
Most of the buffs last for 3 hours
Offline shopping system, PvP system, and other automated event planned
Subclass can level up to 85 and profit of the subclass certification like the main
and much more !
Quests :
Class changer, no quest needed for 1st, 2nd and 3rd class
For the rest of the quest you have to do it yourself
All the TOI bosses items for subclass are in GmShop, just cabrio left to do by yourself
Olympiad Informations :
Gracia Final Olympiad system
The olympiad period is 2 weeks
Olympiad is from 18:00 to 00:00 GMT+1 everyday
Buffs Informations :
3 hours buff for most of the buffs and NPC buffer with basic buffs
Farming Informations :
The S grade farming system will still be acquired in Imperial tomb through and is easy to get
Ancient adena need to be gathered to apply SA and unseal item
The dynasty farming system will be located in two different area. The first one being the beginning of Hellbound island including the green spot. The second spot is still being decided.
The vesper & Icarus will only be droped by bosses, however some side way are under design
The vesper & Icarus will be dropped through grand boss & as epic boss.
The grand grand boss & epic boss will have customized drops as on the previous server. The random spawntime has been removed
Boss informations :
A list of the customized bosses is available on the forum, check it out for more information