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Everything posted by Sick

  1. Sick


    Ok eyxaristw gia to xrono sou file pisteyw pos me kalipses Krash ennoeis to l2?
  2. Hello guys i want to know how i can put fires in photoshop like in xDrac's signatures.If someone know please tell me.
  3. Fovero eidika sto shmeio me to of thn pathsa metrisa 4
  4. http://www.forumotion.com/en/create-forum/ Ftiaxe edw online to forum sou einai poly eykolo to site den xreiazete na kaneis para polla
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189390.0 to [Request] Bots Help [Gr]
  6. There are a lot of servers named blackbird do you have a site?
  7. For those who can't understand the site English Translation
  8. Good Luck feautures look great
  9. Try L2Knockout Two hitted mobs,they drop 500 enrias and the blessed scroll needs 1.000 enrias Blessed rate : 100% Max enchant : 25
  10. Sick


    Thelw na rotiso an ginete na kanw to pc mou(Windows 7) format gia na to kanw mac An ginete to l2 k to lol pezoun sta macs?
  11. Offtopic : Eisai se la8os section Ontopic : Symfono me ton celko o liberators einai mia poly kalh lysh
  12. Hope this works for you Click Me!
  13. Tote psa3e kapion na sou ziparei to lineage ii oste na min kaneis egkatastasi
  14. Tetris on the first gameboy and after some years Mario but i can't remember wich one...The console was gameboy colour
  15. Omg how can you hate cs? Anyway my list 1 : Lineage Freya 2 : Metin 2 3 : Tribal Wars
  16. To eixa pa8ei kai ego ayto alla otan ekana ta 2 parapanw mazi dn eixa problima egine kanonika h egkatastash...
  17. Apla dokimase na ta apothykeyseis allou px epifaneia ergasias gia kapio logo dn se afinei na to apo8ykeyseis c:/program files/lineage ii h trekse to install os diaxiristis
  18. exete kamia idea gia to ti nea items 8a yparxoun?? P.S Poly oreo topic MasterDisaster
  19. Offtopic :Eisai se lathos Section... Ontopic :Den xreiazete script apla xrisimopoihse ena auto clicker einai poly eykolo se xrhsh
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