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Everything posted by Sick

  1. Ίσως,μόνο αν είναι homemade μόνο για beta και έχει δώσει λευτά για domain
  2. Edit : Text: Anos Theme: Joker Color: Green Subtext: Arkham Asylum
  3. I've requested one a long time ago and he didn't respond Anos See first post for renders
  4. Theme : Joker Color : Something that fits on the image Text : Anos Subtext : Arkham Asylum Background : Transparent Reward 5.000 adenas Renders : http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/7043/joker1d.png[/img]
  5. Παράξενα πράγματα :D αλλά όταν το είδα μου κίνησε την υποψεία...
  6. Δεν θα λέει τίποτα στο Who Changed My Karma;Γιατί ένας έχει 4 κάρμα και 97 posts λίγο παράξενο....
  7. Παιδιά γίνετε κάποιος να έχει κάρμα χωρίς να δείχνει τίποτα στο Who Changed My Karma;
  8. Και γώ δεν τον ξέρα πριν δυό βδομάδες το μάθα...Καλά έκανες και το 'κάνες post
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=190589.0 νομίζω πως αυτό για το Gracia δουλεύει και στο c6. Αν όχι υπάρχουν κάποια guides που σου δείχνουν πως να το κάνεις
  10. [ youtube ] to youtube link xwris www mono me http://
  11. Theme:Basketball/NBA(i will give you renders from players ) Text:Anos Color:Something that fits with the render
  12. Text: Anos Theme: Music(Bass) Color: Blue Subtext: none
  13. Requirements 1 GB of free space on disk. Recomanded OS: XP Service Pack 2 (but it runs well on Vista too) 1 GB of RAM Memory Installing the server First af all create a new folder named SRCDS anywhere on disk. Then download CSS Server Creator Double click, Next chose the SRCDS directory and click Install. The installer will open a command prompter black window. Just wait until the installer downloads the server. When it is done, the black window goes away. That means you are done downloading the server. Some antivirus softwares will get a false virus detection when you run the installer. Don`t worry ! The installer is 100 % safe ! It is just HLDS Update Tool , a little bit simplified for you not to complicate yourselvs with command lines. Servers configuration Go to SRCDS\cstrike\cfg and check if you have there a file named server.cfg. If it is not there, create it with Notepad or Wordpad and save it with cfg extension. Then open it and copy this: // server name hostname "Server Name" // rcon passsword rcon_password "password" // server cvars mp_friendlyfire 0 mp_footsteps 1 mp_autoteambalance 1 mp_autokick 0 mp_flashlight 1 mp_tkpunish 1 mp_forcecamera 0 sv_alltalk 0 sv_pausable 0 sv_cheats 0 sv_consistency 1 sv_allowupload 1 sv_allowdownload 1 sv_maxspeed 320 mp_limitteams 2 mp_hostagepenalty 5 sv_voiceenable 1 mp_allowspectators 1 mp_timelimit 25 mp_chattime 10 sv_timeout 65 // bots bot_quota 0 bot_quota_mode fill bot_difficulty 2 bot_chatter off bot_auto_follow 1 bot_auto_vacate 1 bot_join_after_player 0 bot_defer_to_human 1 bot_allow_rogues 0 bot_walk 0 bot_join_team any bot_eco_limit 2000 bot_allow_grenades 1 bot_all_weapons bot_allow_grenades 1 bot_allow_pistols 1 bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 1 bot_allow_shotguns 1 bot_allow_rifles 1 bot_allow_snipers 1 bot_allow_machine_guns // round specific cvars mp_freezetime 6 mp_roundtime 5 mp_startmoney 800 mp_c4timer 45 mp_fraglimit 0 mp_maxrounds 0 mp_winlimit 0 mp_playerid 0 mp_spawnprotectiontime 5 // bandwidth rates/settings sv_minrate 0 sv_maxrate 0 decalfrequency 10 sv_maxupdaterate 60 sv_minupdaterate 10 // server logging log off sv_logbans 0 sv_logecho 1 sv_logfile 1 sv_log_onefile 0 // operation sv_lan 0 sv_region 0 // execute ban files exec banned_user.cfg exec banned_ip.cfg Change the Server Name and RCON password as you like. If you want to enable bots, set the bot quota in this line: bot_quota 0 (put the number here). Opening the server There is only one way to open the server so pay attention ! Go to SRCDS directory an look for srcds.exe. Right click on it and select "Create Shortcut" or “Send to -> Desktop” (if you want a shortcut on your Desktop) . Right click thr shortcut and select "Proprieties". In the Target field leave a space after the last character and copy this: -console -game cstrike -insecure +maxplayers 22 +map de_dust2 You can costumize it : "-console" – is for the ingame console (the one that opens with `) "-game cstrike" – is for the counter strike game "-secure" – is for your VAC anti cheat. If you want it disabled just type insecure instead of secure "+maxplayers 22 – is the maximal number of slots on your server (you can change it) "+map de_dust2 - the starting map (you can olso change it) Patching the server If you want your server to be Steam Only, skip this step ! But if you want it to accept non steam users, download This Patch, unzipp it and copy the following files to SRCDS directory: -rev.ini and -Steam.dll Don`t copy the other files from archive, just these two ! Now you have a Counter Strike Source dedicated server that accepts Steam and Non Steam users. Note* : I searched in Cs section and found nothing about css,only for 1.6.That's why i'm posting it.Plus this one is for Steam & Non Steam Note** : Credits : tutorialecstrike
  14. http://www.white-eagle.com.pl/?page_id=179
  15. i don't act like them i just told him to see how to post
  16. Why all Freya servers have 30 max enchant?
  17. See here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=127184.0 and edit your post
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