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Everything posted by Sick

  1. den uparxei kamia periptwsi na ginei me ton tropo p to ekana kai na deixnei kai tin hp?
  2. L2Blackbird's site : l2blackbird.net +18/+20/+18/+18/+18 Fully elemented Vorpal Light Set QA +10 Frintezza +10
  3. Καλησπέρες Έχω φτιάξει ένα custom mob για να το βάλω σε zone και επειδή θέλω να αρμόζει στο spot που επέλεξα να το έχω διάλεξα το id template του να είναι το npc που λέγεται Zombie Έτσι πήγα στην τελευταία σελίδα του navicat και έκανα καινούριο mob με id που δεν υπάρχει ήδη Το spawn το model και τα σχετικά είναι όλα οκ όμως όταν πατάω πάνω στο mob δεν δείχνει την hp μπάρα,ενώ δείχνει κανονικά οτι μπορείς να βαρέσεις και τρώει κανονικά dmg Ευχαριστώ προκαταβολικά
  4. Agreed,even though with all this corruption,i don't think l2 is still a good game,basically it's not a game at all,it's business.
  5. Took a little time to write something about the current state of Lineage II (mostly the pvp servers) i'd appreciate it if you could take a look http://www.reddit.com/r/Lineage2/comments/1sbv64/the_state_of_lineage_ii/ .Caution it contains big words,illiterate and immature Interlude players won't comprehend,thanks.
  6. Up,looking for someone trustworthy!
  7. http://www.lolparse.com/ Just do what the sites tells you to and it will collect information from the games you've played. An example from my account http://oi39.tinypic.com/15watdj.jpg but it has more you should really check it out...
  8. This account isn't mine,a friend of mine is selling it and since he doesn't have an account here i'm making a topic for him,he is trusted(i belive Fortuna can vouch for him too). The account currently has 84.000 +/- IP , 2,2000 +/- RP , Rare icons such as the season II Riven Sword , 152 Skins(Check the list below) , 20 Rune Pages Ultimate Skins : -Pulsefire Ezreal -Spirit Guard Udyr Unavailable Skins : - Taipei Ezreal - Masquerade Evelynn - Headmistress Fiora - Riot Graves - Kitty Kat Katarina - Sonoran Kog Maw - Riot Nasus - Haunting Nocturne - Championship Riven - Yellow Jacket Shen - Pax Sivir - Championship Thresh - Underworld Twsited Fate Note * : Not all of the unavailable skins are included,i'll add more soon Note ** : Registration E-Mail will be inculuded Price : Negotiable
  9. Unique website and cool rates....Unfortunately it'll be closed once you get enough money from the donates,like all of your other servers.
  10. So,it's an rnb song that goes like sunday,monday whoa oh oh oh or something,i'm not sure if it says sunday,monday tho.
  11. 2012-2013 Comedy and Action movies please :)
  12. I asked if anyone wanted a 5v5 same champ game on the mxc chat room but noone replied :D
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