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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. And I'm telling you to use Godamn eclipse, so it will tell you what's must have and what's useless. By pressing ctrl + o imports will be organized AUTOMATICALLY for you. If you reply again with help me, how to do it, etc in this topic. I will junk it, seriously.
  2. If you code in eclipse and not in notepad (not even ++), you have a magic shortcut, auto imports. Ctrl + O for imports and Ctrl + F to format the code.
  3. How you expect me to talk to you, while you are +-30 years old. I told you like 2 or even 3 times to "clean the file from useless code" aka remove everything summon related. Obviously you did *not*. I gave you cleaned file and *no idea* why you added brackets which break the code. Could you explain me, WHY, why did you add brackets there? Yeah, here is the place to help people learn and understand and all you are doing so far, is throwing away the knowledge we want to pass. In addition, it's enough to read the code to understand what's wrong. player.getSummon() - wait, what? Summon? I don't care about summon, the code is *not* about summon - let's remove it! Sorry to say, but you pretend to be a retard, so far. ----- All I told you so far is correct and you should learn. - take random code - clean it from useless stuff - add your code - enjoy Guess what, I had to throw few 'fack', 'goddamn' and 'kurwa' untill you proceed to step.. 2. So yeah, something is wrong here. You don't want to learn, you don't read what I'm saying to you or you are simply a retard and you should say it at first. ---- Anyway, you heav CLEAN FILE. So what left to do? Add your 1 line code aka plyaer.addSkill(..). Also, obviously, you should add destroyItem line, otherwise item will stay in inventory.
  4. Wow, you expect the server will read your minds that you want to add a skill? Code it. AND FOR FACKS SAKE, WHY YOU ADDED THOSE USELESS, BREAKING CODE BRACKETS?!?! God, you are such a weird guy. You have clean file, now try code your shit.
  5. Wow, you are getting close to clean file that's good. But again, why goddamn brackets without if statement?! Edit your code in eclipse, see errors in real time. God. https://pastebin.com/aNJWk7XT
  6. Like he said. Take your time and edit or handcode some static values up to your max lvl at least to see if it's working.
  7. Classes folder, xml. Also contains various level info which you must feed.
  8. God no. You don't even know what you're doing. You don't want, don't need, ANY summon code. So just facking delete it, remove, erase. Kurwa usuń.
  9. Then it's even worse. You can't think logically. Can you read? Yes, you can, so read this line Read this and guess why it's not working. As there is no message why the code breaks, let's add the message. if(!activeOwner.hasSummon()) { activeOwner.sendMessage("The code is about facking summon which is not summoned! So do facking nothing, terminate the code. "); return false; } Again, REMOVE CODE YOU DON'T WANT. Die trying or leave it.
  10. First register the godamn handler. Where? Search. And you was SUPPOSED TO edit the code. And wtf is this, new kind of coding? Brackets without an if? Even if you register it, it won't work as it's returning false on first lines. JUST THINK. You have all the tools and solutions. Dig, try, learn.
  11. Are you facking kidding me? You don't want to learn, you don't want want to try. I'm out.
  12. Leave that ItemSkills ffs. All you need it that useItem method. Take a look here https://bitbucket.org/l2jserver/l2j_datapack/src/eb8beefdf2cff2fe99e006bf4dcf20997a007104/dist/game/data/scripts/handlers/itemhandlers/BeastSoulShot.java?at=develop&fileviewer=file-view-default See, you have ready code. Just remove useless stuff from there and add your one line code. Good luck.
  13. Yea it will magically work.. One last time, open other handler, see how it's done and do the same. Use the same methods, you must have useItem method and such.. It's not hard just think.
  14. lol.. You can't even create new Godamn file..
  15. Null check with code execution is always welcome. The same with brackets around the return =) ---- Man, for fack sake, can you read? Leave this Godamn ItemSkills.java alone! YOU HAVE TO CREATE NEW HANDLER AKA NEW FILE. And why the heck you try to create new object?! Who told you that why you want to do so? Check existing files, God.
  16. No, it's wrong, so wrong. I told you that you need new handler. Check scripts/handlers/itemhandlers for the structure. Then you add that handler to your item xml.
  17. Don't guess, just read code. ItemSkills.java uses skill defined on xml. It's using player.useMagic(.. and what you want to do is player.addSkill(.. So, again, you have to create NEW ITEM HANDLER to handle your request.
  18. Depends what you aim. If you ask me, bot protection is useless, kinda. As others said, premium adrenaline will work. So what's the point of that 'protection'? Else you want the hwid feature which also it's it rly a must. So.. Long story short, don't waste money on it. You an spend them better.
  19. If you kept the config like this... What do you expect?
  20. Everyone who can/know to code, care about that. But as most people out there who open the server, is not a dev / don't know to code / is an (wannabe) admin, choose 'rdy to go' packs, don't care about the code quality.
  21. Smart answer, like someone cares and it's relevant. Just stop shitting around.
  22. I got the point, I also would consider that and most likely go with it. But, as a friend of mine was using it and found out that even 'basic' things, skills related, are not implemented, works bad.. Then well. If someone don't mind to pay $$, then something like fandc / sunrise is ok, as it's sort of "ready to go". L2jserver needs some work, for sure - as any pack. But comparing ready features / working content (even if not retail like) / customs, those commercial RU packs are a 'better' option. @Batman As always, shit post, not worth to mention.
  23. Edit, none. You have to code it, so package doesn't matter that much. Create the handler, register it under ItemHandler's and enjoy.
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