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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. http://acis.i-live.eu/index.php?topic=7995.msg41053#msg41053
  2. This Yes, maybe it is 10sec, but while I want to check only some info, I don't feel like to register into your forum for various reasons, anyway :) Good luck guys :)
  3. Use the BUMP button next time. Take care.
  4. Bcs its frozen, shit code. In your example onAction is useless and like you said, use overriden showChatWindow.
  5. http://www80.zippyshare.com/v/kfI8yMmI/file.html
  6. Decrease the Xmx, right click on gameserver.bat and change it. Also next time use proper section. REM -Xms1536m REM -Xmx3072m If you are using 32b OS, then you are kinda screwed and you can't put more than ~1200 or so.
  7. Most likely you gave the wrong directory. <button value="Top Pvp" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_pvp" width=300 height=25 back="paradise.7pa" fore="paradise.7pa"> <button value="Top Pk" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_pk" width=300 height=25 back="paradise.7pp" fore="paradise.7pp"> Btw, as you can see, the width is a lil bit too big.
  8. Here you go, names stay the same http://www83.zippyshare.com/v/eL6SBWo1/file.html
  9. Easy farm, that's the reson servers die within 1 or 2 weeks :P But yeah, ppl are lazy now a days.
  10. I dont rly follow servers but indeed,I saw somewhere that thay do have a topic already, so locked. @author Use the original topic.
  11. Read the rules.
  12. Yeah, sometimes, but on NA :D
  13. "51 " - you have a space somewhere in your configs, remove the space.
  14. It's a script, so.. https://xp-dev.com/svn/aCis_community/aCis_datapack/data/scripts/custom/
  15. Nop. Why do you think so? First like is teling you the directory, package.
  16. As you said above "target no found". That means the npc doesn't exist. You try to summon existing npc or "custom"? Npc seems the problem.
  17. Tk means to put some log, like the log on gs or even a player.sendMessage(" "); in the middle of the code, to see if it's executed :P
  18. Nobless for whole party - http://pastebin.com/NKHr8QgK Bara zone auto tp - you have to create a new zone and add a noble check onEnter, if true then teleport, izi. Chaotic above. 1 box per pc and hwid, search for catsguard. You can also rip the 'ip protection' from l2jserver.
  19. With this addon, as you can read, all gb zones will work like that.
  20. You can find them for free except pin at character select.
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