Yes, maybe it is 10sec, but while I want to check only some info, I don't feel like to register into your forum for various reasons, anyway :)
Good luck guys :)
Decrease the Xmx, right click on gameserver.bat and change it. Also next time use proper section.
REM -Xms1536m REM -Xmx3072m
If you are using 32b OS, then you are kinda screwed and you can't put more than ~1200 or so.
Most likely you gave the wrong directory.
<button value="Top Pvp" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_pvp" width=300 height=25 back="paradise.7pa" fore="paradise.7pa">
<button value="Top Pk" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_pk" width=300 height=25 back="paradise.7pp" fore="paradise.7pp">
Btw, as you can see, the width is a lil bit too big.
Nobless for whole party -
Bara zone auto tp - you have to create a new zone and add a noble check onEnter, if true then teleport, izi.
Chaotic above.
1 box per pc and hwid, search for catsguard. You can also rip the 'ip protection' from l2jserver.