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About Saxantes

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  1. So where is the point to say something like a.. "this is the best pack of free ones, for every server (low/mid/high)" if it isn't that simple, don't write it is ;)
  2. I can't see any relationship with my question.
  3. I haven't checked this pack yet, but as you wrote in this topic this is "clean pack, it may be applied for low/mid/high w/e server" (while other ppl said it is perfect just for low/mid). So for high rate you have to configurate it for your own... How to make it well without source code? lol?
  4. you are spamming about this project.. `best of "free" projects` etc. etc. is there a SVN free for it?
  5. This one gm shop is better than your later works.. for people who want download it, only megaupload link still works.
  6. well, thanks for sharing the scheme of making GM shop.. this one is really ugly :p I prefer to modify it
  7. nice work dude
  8. so no one cant post everything in 1 place? :f
  9. It's still so pure l2j pack, just generally bugs are fixed, and not completed yet.. Good pack so far. O_o
  10. Interlude > Freya, because interlude is simple and it is easier to balance classes than in Freya ^^
  11. In your video is lack of mass pvps, anyway isnt bad.
  12. Yeah, but this is also guide for newbies how to add simple new items.
  13. For me everything working fine, maybe u have different package.
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