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Everything posted by *BiGGi*

  1. EDITED: HAHAHA "Then ignore our need to play online don't make it fun like XBOX live, use Blue ray which i don't need now you are getting your ass kicked by the WII ....... " hhahahah
  2. SOAD-Forest STe6UV02tf8 SOAD-Hypnotize YoTGcV1bF7Q SOAD-BYOB gp7Ta4fWQto LP-Breaking the habit 3Q6Zj7vC-QE PINK-You and your hand TKQ_7MbUzMM MARQUESS-You and Not Tokyo 2vEkqLAsiBc Yves Larock-Rise up vSvrf84UjFg SKAZI-Hit and RUN Ev_ZHGjxDSk
  3. Pls help this city to grow up too pls :) http://xrusoupolh.myminicity.com
  4. I am not pretty sure what you are talking about, the only pet dupe exploit i know is the one as VirG0 said with striders. Its main effect is the lag that it causes. You can use it on Java servers. Do as the picture bellow and just press the hotkeys: F1-F2-F3 quickly.
  5. Nai to prose3a, oute egw mporo na mpo sto mxc apo pc sto sxolio. Ala an thes toso polu na mpis uparxoun tris tropoi: 1. Proxy :P 2.Kane account os ekpedeftikos apo to sch.gr 3. Sini8ws afta ta diktia ine polu arga, grapse to site pou thes na mpis px.: maxcheaters.com kai exe to xeri su sto "PrtScn" kai prosexe katw aristera stin o8onh tou ipologisth sto para8iro tou internet pia ine h ip pou sou vgazi. Molis dis oti emfanizete, tsoup patas "PrntScn" anoigis zwgrafikh,kanis paste, vlepis to noumero, 3anapenis sto internet explorer kai to pliktrologis.
  6. *BiGGi*

    My art

    Mastropos if there was a award at photoshop you could easily win it. Faking amazing! But watch out i may beat ya ;P
  7. Sometimes internet's brother-in-law (google) is more helpful than you think he is.... Anyway here is Ac Tool's home page -"rovitop" is searching for a scripting program (Ac Tool) but i think he messed the sections
  8. *BiGGi*


  9. Already posted :p http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=13161.0
  10. Well scam itself is not an exploit. Here is a second way to scam someone :P. Get a scroll which is the same grade with the weapon/armor you want to scam. Approach your victim and spell: "Can I see your weapon at trade??? plx !!" /trade him and let him to put the weapon/armor first, then put the scroll :P Then tell him:"Get this scroll and enchant it fast!!!It won't broke trust me!" Naturally when he see that you have confirmed the trade he will press ok... and if you are lucky you just got a new item ! This is not an exploit although.
  11. 1st: Maxtor you'd better hide this post with another way :/ 2nd: Don't you think packethack is almost dead everywhere?
  12. 6 Dekemvriou shmera, h hmera tou Agiou Nikolaou..Xronia polla Maxtor(Niko) kai se olous tous alous Nikous pou parakolou8oun to forum! -I'm Nikos too :p
  13. I have seen this in the old site of Hint, while I was searching for some ID's. This lad has created a tool which i found so cool and useful. Watch his video demo in order to understand how it works. I am just making a share.Hint made the whole job.Delights go to him! --Edit: Viewable to everyone you faking thankless people--
  14. Huhu thanks! F**ng usefull. GJ Chris!
  15. At the beggining I found it adenoidal but now I find it cool :P
  16. Here you go:
  17. Ok i tested this on two Interlude L2Java servers. Go and find one Cursed Weapon(Zariche or Akamanah), then go and participate in an auto TvT event. When the teams will be spawned in the arena, you will keep be equipped with your Cursed Weapon. When the TvT ends you will be spawned where you participated equiped with the Cursed Weapon and the same stats BUT you won't have any more karma.Test it in your own risk, ofc if a GM catch you will get banned.
  18. Two ways: Navicat, phpMyAdmin. I use phpMyadmin. 1. 2. 3. 4. there you can see the old name and replace it with the new one. If you think this way is hard for you just use Navicat.
  19. Htan pou lete enas agroths kai pantreftike mia gineka pou ths areze na katharizei.Ths ipe oti mporouse na ka8arizei olo to spiti ektos apo ton stavlo. Perase enas xronos h gineka dn ixe pathsei ston stavlo, wspou mia mera den ante3e kai anoi3e tin porta, tote ena alogo tin pathse mia kai tin skotwse.... Ton epomeno xrono o agroths pantreftike mia alh gineka. Ths lei kai afthnhs oti den tha prepi na pathsei ston stavlo, pernaei enas xronos mi antexwntas allo omws tin periergeia h defterh gineka tou anoi3e thn porta tou stavlou, girizw kai to alogo thn pataei mia GG kai afth.Pernaei akoma enas xronos, pou lete, kai pantrevete allh mia gineka o agroths.Vazi louketa ston stavlo kai tis lei min pathseis ston stavlo pls. Pernane 2 xronia.. min mporwntas na antista8i stin periergia ths anoigi tin porta tou stavlou, petagete to alogo tin travai mia me ta podia tou, xwma kai afth. Stin kydia tis mazevonte gnwstoi kai filoi kai enas papas.Otan teliwse h kydia ernousane oi ginekes mprosta apo ton atixo andra, aftos egnefe me to kefali tou.Pernousan oi adres aftos kounouse to kefali tou. Paei kai o papas kai ton rwtaei: "Giati teknon mou otan pernane oi ginekes esy gnefis kai otan pernane oi andres kounas to kefali sou" ? Kai apantaei o agroths: "Oi gynaikes erxontousan na mou poune silipitiria kai egw elega efxaristw, oi andres mou legane TO POULAS TO ALOGO? egw tous elega OXI :P" Ntax twra, prepi na ginonte kapies kinhseis gia na gelasete ala dn mou erxotan kana alo na grapsw :P
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