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Everything posted by Jαkє

  1. 6MB? aha. What kind of dedicated is that? Usually servers use 100 mbps. Or, even better, 1 gbps.
  2. That's not the right place to do it. You deserved the punishment.
  3. It's better if you post in our forum. By the way, it's spam section its flooded already lol. Best Regards, Jake
  4. There's a link to it, since i suppose it's too big to be fit in one post here.
  5. 1. Yeah. Just for let people know about it :) 2. There is one RB wich is not soloable. 1. Farming is easy-to-medium difficult. It depends if you farm mobs or PvPs. 2. We already have our custom sets. 1. Olympiad cycles lasts 2 weeks. Sieges every week. Custom events? We didn't think of addin' yet, meaby a TvT. And the customized jail, more info about that soon. 2. For clans, until level 5 everything is in the shop. For reputation, we will have somekind of special system, more info about that soon. Dont forget to check our Official FAQ. Some of these questions were already answered.
  6. By the way. It's better that you register at our forums and discuss there, instead of spamming here. Thank you.
  7. Yeah there are, still our concept of customs is very different from other servers. Our custom items does NOT change any basic statistic like as P.Atk, etc. They have the same p.def and bonuses as S grade armors (The Robe has C.Spd like DC). However, wearing those armors grants you an increased damage percentage in PvP situations, and a reduction on damage taken on PvP. This is a pure damage multiplier.
  8. For most of your questions, please check our our Official FAQ by clicking Here! By the way. Intrepid is in the team too.
  9. Because the server is not open yet, aha. There is a countdown in our website. Take a look at it.
  10. The website is down already. Lasted 2 days?
  11. This server lasted 3 days. More than enough.
  12. A request. Set maximum element resistance in the configurations, for interlude. Just like atk.spd, cast.spd. Thanks. Best Regards, Jake
  13. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=79160.0
  14. You say it's a fail, and you'll try it? Nonsense.
  15. What a failure. You don't have any other advertising methods?
  16. I'd like to talk to this guy, Lynx. I would probabilly laugh on his face.
  17. AHHAHAHA. A l2j high rate with bladedancers, people in mid grade, and everyone's at dion castle? xDD
  18. Too much farming for a crappy PvP set imo. Flame if you want.
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