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Everything posted by paokole

  1. good evening, everything is fine in my server,i have downloaded all files that are nessesary i installed one pack,i put correct ipc and i still have a problem...when i try to connect to my server,i give login and password and then it says server name with blue letters,,with ping 9999 and i cant connect..what am i doing wrong???? this @ login settings #=============================================================================== # Starting L2JFREE 2741 PRE-CONFIGURADO POR CHRISTIAND VERSAO-2 = # = # INFORMAΗΥES DE VENDA DE SERVIDORES EXCLUSIVOS E SUPORTE A LINEAGE II = # suporte.makabro@hotmail.com L2J & L2OFF = # suporte.makabro@hotmail.com L2J & L2OFF = # = # HTTP://WWW.SECRETWAREZ.NET = # VISITE NOSSO FORUM. = #=============================================================================== # ================================================================ # General login server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!! # ================================================================ # Bind ip do gameserver, use para vincular disponνvel em todos os IPs # EXEMPLO: LoginServerHostname= <----NO CAMINHO ABAIXO COLOQUE O IP DE SUA PLACA DE REDE LoginServerHostname= LoginServerPort=2106 GMMinLevel=100 # The port, ip on which login will listen for GameServers # EXEMPLO: LoginHostname= <-- NUNCA TROQUE ESSE IP LoginHostname= LoginPort=9014 # If set to true any GameServer can register on your login's free slots AcceptNewGameServer = False # If false, the licence (after the login) will not be shown ShowLicence = True this @ gameserver settings #=============================================================================== # Starting L2JFREE 2741 PRE-CONFIGURADO POR CHRISTIAND VERSAO-2 = # = # INFORMAΗΥES DE VENDA DE SERVIDORES EXCLUSIVOS E SUPORTE A LINEAGE II = # suporte.makabro@hotmail.com L2J & L2OFF = # suporte.makabro@hotmail.com L2J & L2OFF = # = # HTTP://WWW.SECRETWAREZ.NET = # VISITE NOSSO FORUM. = #=============================================================================== # This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection for your server. # Usually you have to change the ExternalHostname option to # - (if you want to play alone / testing purpose) # - LAN IP* (if you want to play from another computer in the network) # - WAN IP** (if you want to play with friends over internet) # - Questions? => http://l2jfree.com # # * = If you want to get your LAN IP, simply choose "Start" => "Run..." then type "cmd" => "ipconfig" # **= If you want to get you WAN IP, visit http://www.whatismyip.com # =================================================================================================== # ================================================================ # General server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!! # ================================================================ # Bind ip do gameserver, use para vincular disponνvel em todos os IPs # EXEMPLO: GameserverHostname= <----NO CAMINHO ABAIXO COLOQUE O IP DE SUA PLACA DE REDE GameserverHostname= GameserverPort=7777 # Esta ι transmitida para os clientes a partir de uma conexγo de rede externa, por isso tem de ser um IP pϊblico ou resolϊvel hostname # EXEMPLO: ExternalHostname=l2mak.servegame.com <-----NO CAMINHO ABAIXO COLOQUE O SEU NO-IP AQUI ExternalHostname= # Esta ι transmitida para o cliente a partir da mesma rede, por isso tem de ser um local IP ou hostname resolϊvel # EXEMPLO: InternalHostname= <----NO CAMINHO ABAIXO COLOQUE O IP DE SUA PLACA DE REDE InternalHostname= # Define internal networks (, is default internal networks) InternalNetworks= # Define optional networks and router IPs # IP ( or fully qualified domain name # (google.com) that resolves to an IP (use ping to determine if a domain resolves). # Format: ip,net/mask;ip,net/mask,net/mask # (mask or would be 192.168.*.*) # Note: keep InternalNetworks and OptionalNetworks blank for compatibility with older login server OptionalNetworks= # O Loginserver host e porta # EXEMPLO: LoginPort=9014 <--NUNCA TROQUE ESSA PORTA # EXEMPLO: LoginHost= <-- NUNCA TROQUE ESSE IP LoginPort=9014 LoginHost= # Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect. # You must keep MinProtocolRevision <= MaxProtocolRevision. MinProtocolRevision = 1 MaxProtocolRevision = 999
  2. use account manager to create one account.otherwise make it auto create accounts and set AutoCreateAccounts=True
  3. what are u meaning with ''no protection against phx''???everyone can enter and make whatever he wants with phx?
  4. good evening, i have download all files that are necessary to create an intelude server.i mean java,dk,navigat.everything is installed and ready.now the problem is what pack should i choose.l2j?l2jfree?l2dot?l2what??? anyone can tell me his opinion about this?and if u can give me a link of your choice i would be thankfull!
  5. hello.i have one question.i have just made a l2j server but i cant add npc buffer.i have found like 15 topics in forum but stil cant do this..the only buffer it worked it said that i have no criteria ...wtf is going on?any help?? i'm using l2j
  6. thank u,but there is one problem here...if i want to find for example id for arcana mace,i have to start reading all this text till i go to arcana mace..any easier way??
  7. good evening people.anybody knows any site that i can see all items id???.. example.i want to find dynasty's armors id..i'll go to this site and if i search for dynaty i can find it's id. thank you.
  8. i know that way but adding all the skills of ALL classes would take a lot of hours to make.so any massive skill adder command? ;P
  9. how can i give all skills from all classes to a gm character??
  10. how can i give all skills from all classes to a gm character??
  11. hello.i download a rpeconfigured pack(3 clicks n go) and i run the filre start..but when i try to run loginserver i have this error..any help please?
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