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Everything posted by Fanky

  1. google it dude. for sure there won't be one or two places,but many more.
  2. Most of such sites are kinda fake.
  3. why to pick acis for another version of l2jsaver and not l2jserver instead?:P L2JSaver,was a fully customized svn with many features. My answer is yes anyway
  4. αν προσέξεις στα περισσότερα είναι πολύ feedarismeni. τουλάχιστον μέχρι το 60~ που είδα εγώ.
  5. τι bit?
  6. Κατέβασε αυτά και πες μας: http://windows7themes.net/download.php?download=jre-6u24-windows-x64.exe και απο εδώ,κάπου στην μέση λέει για JDK και έχει μόνο ένα λινκ,πάτα το ώστε να αρχίσει να κατεβαίνει. http://windows7themes.net/windows-7-java-64-bit-download.html
  7. pathetic no,i'm talking about intheeond or how the hell he is called. He went actually mad 2 days ago because baggo shared a pack which he bought,that's why he did this. sooner or later,he(intheend) will sell something marketplace and I can assure you intheend I'll be the one who will coded and share it for free.
  8. Πρέπει να βάλεις 64bit της όποιας έκδοσης χρησιμοποιείς.
  9. wannabe,wannabe,wannabe.
  10. it was,back then.(couple of years ago[2-3])
  11. ss = miss. when an enemy is missing from your lane. about jungler,he is killing the minions in jungle and he is trying to fack up your enemies's early game by ganking a lot.
  12. did you even asked the first creators of this gm shop if they will let you share it? lol,you should respect the other's work.
  13. what is cronical? irony,when you are quotin' a user with acis signature.
  14. no reason for dude. these redirection topics are annoying.
  15. if its only about features,I can code what your requests for you. pm me if you're intrested in.
  16. junk http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=250285.0
  17. not so good as jungler >.>
  18. you don't like ad nidalee for solo top?:(
  19. told you,there isn't better. everyone got its role. garen for sure is stronger than ww in lane,but too weak in jungle
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