Hey guys, since my other post was rudely locked: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/192338-l2net-source-code/
I just came here to let you know there is no virus in this, but if you really think there is, simply don't download it. The source can be modified to run on L2.NET again, I'm sure it's not that hard for any semi-competent coder. This is a very powerful tool. Hope someone can either learn from it or revive it.
try ophcrack(google it, it's on sourceforge). Burn it to a CD/dvd/usb, press f8 in bootup to choose your boot device. Let it run. If your IT is any good they would of changed their security, otherwise tada, you now know the admin password they originally used.
This is illegal unless it's your hardware, so don't get caught.
I was only looking out for your well being. Good luck in life :), I know there's some good inside that little heart of yours. I've seen it!
PS. You really should let the small things go, I was only trying to help you figure out your problem. Hard to look at a snippet (which had no sleeps) and then get ringed out after the user posts the part with the sleep part in it. But O.K. I must of been at fault. :)
trust me, I always wanted to keep this updated, but they took away my edit rights after i went from a mod to a legendary member... funny how I was stripped of my privs after 3 years of service. And it took 3 more years of legendary member bitching until they re-added our rights. There's a legendary member forum, and it was literally littered with bitching about no edit rights.
create an outline of your room using the bounding polygon, simply go to each corner of the room, and click on "add current location" to create the box or shape needed. And then go to the targeting tab, and make sure the radio button called "In Box" is checked (all the buttons to the left should be checked)